Sober for Superbowl!

So proud of myself and to everyone of you that stayed sober today! This is my first sober Superbowl and I am excited to be able to remember the game and the commercials and lets not forget Lady Gaga hahahahaha :wink: Go Falcons :football:


Happy Sober Super Bowl! How did everyone do?


Happy to say I’m headed to bed sober, what a game! Hope everyone had a great day and enjoyed the game. Made it strong! Proud of myself and all of u!


It actually was way easier for me than expected. I didn’t feel tempted even once.
I feel good.
Out of the fog.
Not willing to trade that for anything. :blush:


I was around people doing shots and drinking but never phased me. Watching their behavior change was quite interesting :smile: I drank Squirt soda and ate all kinds of yummy food. What a great game.


I did just fine. There were a few times when hubby was having a glass of wine that I wished I could join him but I never felt like I was fighting the urge. It was just a thought. Perhaps it helped that my girlfriend only drank water due to recent severe migraines. She didn’t even flinch that I wasn’t drinking when usually she would.

I also really enjoyed the game because I went to bed right when they started the 4th quarter. I think if I had watched that last quarter I would have reached for a scotch!!! I was upset when I heard the news this morning but at least I didn’t have a hangover. LOL


Feels great to have made through yesterday sober. Like you said @Sam to remember the game and other things that happened. And to make it into work this morning was a great success. True blessing

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Yes I am proud of myself. So much free alcohol there, girlfriend drinking and it was not that bad. I actually felt good about not drinking. I did go burn one though which relaxed me.