Sober from sugar, soft drink and crisps for 1 day

Hi all. I am trying really hard to be sober from junk food. It’s caused many problems for me in the past

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Welcome back! :hugs:

I have added the tag ‘sugar-free’ to your post and had a quick search of the forum (:mag: top right) to pick a couple other threads that might be helpful to you. If you click where it says sugar-free on the title of your post, you will see those topics. Some are older with good info, some are more recent and with more active forum members.

@CapriciousCapricorn and @emc2018 are a couple of people I know of who are working on sugar free. I’m sure there will be others!

@SassyRocks are you still doing keto?


I’ve been trying to clean up my diet too, since I stopped drinking. It’s amazing how quickly you feel better and healthier in general!

I had a hard time at first but once I realized how much better I felt, and how much less stomach trouble I had, I was able to keep most junk/processed food out of my diet.

I have been doing a video workout program that’s run by a personal trainer and he said that 80% of your diet should be healthy and you can cheat on about 20% so I’ve been going by that idea recently. I feel that we all deserve a reward here and there (the 20%).

I think that’s a sound principle for weight loss and healthy living (although personally I am not really into cheat days or % tracking) but for the OP who is concerned about sugar addiction and wanting to stop it altogether, it may be a bit like suggesting moderation to an alcoholic?

I will let the OP speak for themselves on that, just a thought :blush:

@Icandoit process addictions around food sound really tricky because they are such a normal part of life for so many. Are you part of any recovery programmes? I know that Recovery Dharma is open to all addictions, including process addictions, with lots of online meetings taking place.

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That’s a very fair point! I hope my post didn’t come across the wrong way.

I definitely don’t track that stuff either, so I’m with you on that. I just felt like it was a decent principle in terms of eating pretty much healthy all the time but treating yourself here and there. Like you said though, that won’t work for some people. Thanks for pointing that out!

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