Sober is a red flag?

This is an interesting topic. Youd be suprised at the amount of girls or guys who absolutely love people who do not drink. I met my partner 3 years ago and I had to explain to her that I had stopped drinking due to the impact it was having on my mental health. Unbeknownst to me she had been the victim of abuse from her previous partner due to his alcohol intake and she was delighted to know I was a non drinker. We now have a new born baby and things cant be better


“Super single” ,thats great!!! Permission to use that please? :grinning::+1:t2:


Wow- just reading and I’m starting to stress out! I’m 4 months sober and was first thinking I’d prefer a non-drinking partner (real me). Then I started thinking…’well, there aren’t that many singles out there, oh, maybe I have to cast a wider net than non-drinkers only…’ (old me) No! I have no business dating yet :grinning:. I’m still wish-washy and unsure of myself. That attracts icky controlling people! Need to continue sobriety and get the right attitude. :muscle:. (But it sure would be nice to go on a sober date…hehe)


Absolutely :grin:

Well thanks very much :grinning::+1:t2: