That is a pro tip!! Thanks
I love this… Thanks for the tip.
Ooweee… sorry friend. That is a wonderful view and a relaxing day for ya. Love a beach day
Stopped by Horsetail Falls after spending the day with my daughter and her fiance since I became sober, we’re rebuilding our mom/daughter bond:sparkles:
I jumped on the earth runners bandwagon but I’m kinda ‘eh on em. I lived for years in dollar store flip flops and these kinda feel the same.
New shorts cause 1) they were on sale and 2) I hit 11 months thc free a week ago

They give Lisa Frank vibes and I love it!
BELATED Congratulations on 11 Months from THC
Thanks!! The day came and went and I didn’t even realized it until 3 days later
New shoes… finally broke down and just got the same make and style as before as no others were comfortable enough
Brooks adrenaline GTS to the rescue…my feet are so happy
Look at you! Pretty in pink.
I see they look pink here but they are actually orange
also a lot brighter – i am so bad with this camera
Lol i asked hubby too and he said pink. Is this like that dress? The one everyone everybody debated the color lol
Too funny - could be but i actually see pink when i take pic too… but in real life they are orange my shoes be playing mind tricks on me
Happy feet are the best! 🩷 or