Sober Reward Yourself Ideas

A pair of running shoes was my first reward as well.


I had mentioned the diving lights… they arrived yesterday. I can’t wait to get underwater with them !


Ooft that looks so good!

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An early night, a good sleep and a clear head in the morning :ok_hand:

Although I am being a bit facetious, cos I know you mean how to celebrate sober. This felt flat for me to start with. Now I just feel happy about having a sense of achievement. Maybe go out for a meal if there’s something really big. Get some ice cream. But the feeling of doing something that I’m proud of is a pretty good reward. Sharing that with friends (here and IRL) makes it even better :blush:

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What do you do with that ?

Nothing, just your diving light set looks like a robot with staring eyes.

I hadn’t thought of that, but now that you mention it, I can see the resemblance !

The 4am club! While everyone is sleeping I’m working on self reflection and meditation and of course a better body in working out!

A great reward for me personally is to just do something that I want to do with my time. Something that normally I wouldn’t do because I might feel like I have other more important things to take care of, but instead taking some time to indulge in that little piece of time for myself.

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I’ve spent my sober money on 3 things.

Music gear/recording studio

Hiking gear


It’s a lot more fulfilling than wasting money on booze.


Think I’m going to buy myself a new push-bike in a few weeks time :slightly_smiling_face:

Dominos pizza delivery! :raised_hands: :fist_right::fist_left:

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I picked my new car the other day… and I’m pretty happy with it, too.


I just bought a Tempurpedic mattress… I guess that can count as a sobriety reward :laughing:


A natural reward for me is early mornings not hungover! I write in a gratitude journal, turn on my light therapy lamp and drink coffee. Many days I just write that in thankful for sobriety. Also, chocolate in the evenings instead of wine :yum:


My hubby and I are both on this road together… we splurged and ordered and took delivery of our new Peloton bike! We are now talking about adding a new treadmill too.

Congrats on the ID.4 we have the biggest charging network here with Tesla and that is what I have

thanks, but it’s actually the ID.3.
The ID.4 (while really cool) is bigger than I need, since it’s definitely an SUV.
My car is SLIGHTLY bigger than a Golf, and somewhat higher too (which I like) since the batteries are underneath… where you would otherwise have a drive train, exhaust system, petrol tank…
It’s a great car, and I’m really happy with it.

My regular/daily rewards are things like taking a bath and going to bed early with my book and feeling no guilt whatsoever. I’ve earned my alone time and being away from my husband in the evening sometimes keeps me away from his beer too. :smile:

I also tend to shop online without guilt now too. Not that I’m going crazy and hoarding stuff, it’s just that before I felt the need to justify all my purchases. Now I don’t. I’m not wasting money on booze do dammit I don’t need to ask permission to buy a pair of jeans!!

My big milestone reward was a tattoo at one year. I never did anything for 2 years though. I should.