Sober Saturdays & Sundays

I’m up early on a Sunday for my lane reservation at the pool. It’s a pain to pick a time to swim 3 days in advance and to have to call between 6:55 and 7:10 AM. Call any later and lanes at all 3 club pool locations are booked. 24 lanes in 15 minutes!

But a. It’s way better here than the UK, on full lockdown, and b. It reminds me of the months I had to report to the local police station between 6 and 8 AM daily for a breathalyzer in order to stay out of jail before trial. I need to remember where my next drink will take me, the day I choose to take it.


This Sunday was such a huge difference from last. Woke up quite early, had a coffee.
Cold but sunny day so I just decided to go out on a walk. Was out for 2.5 hours in total. Just walking around the countryside, saw loads of different animals. Got lots of sun and fresh air.
Now need to do some yoga then I’m going to pick up my little girl from her dads, she wants to have snacks and a movie day when she gets back so we’ll be doing that :blush:

Heres some pictures from my walk earlier;


Saturdays are me days. I have promised myself that Saturdays are for my own self-care. That can be a long walk, getting my nails done, having a massage, meditation, writing or window shopping. Usually I spend the day on my own and I like it that way. If I end up in social situations, they are serendipitous. Those are always fun!

Most Sundays, I sleep alot.

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Here is a garden snow puppy pic :hugs:


Ended up watching Superstore on Netflix yesterday, nice and light hearted. Had some nice bread, cheese and salad bits for dinner. Basically a fancy cheese sandwich :joy: But it was lovely.

Skipped my zoom meditation class this morning cos me and my partner have been arguing a bit this week and things keep bubbling over. Bit did make online puppy class which is much needed. Maggie is a bit of a terror (standard puppy behaviour) and I’m sure that is straining things at home, plus Covid and everything else. Things are smoothed out enough for now though and currently watching The Ladykillers for the first time -the original not the Tom Hanks remake. Been on my list for a while. We will probably order pizza tonight and just take it easy.

@Lessulz nice work getting through your first sober Saturday and getting some shit done! That’s awesome! :muscle::sparkles:

@SinceIAwoke that does sound annoying but yea less annoying than the full lockdown! Glad you got your swim in. I haven’t been swimming for aaages. When we get out of lockdown I would like to find a nice pool. There’s a couple locally but not really nice ones. Tbh I think what I want is a spa day :rofl:

@Solanaceae @Badger nice pics! I am not able to get out much at the minute with the ginger menace being too little for long walks and not happy about being left at home either… Do post your walking updates on the hiking club thread though, love seeing everyone’s adventures! Same for you @KFair90 :blush:

@planchette what are you crocheting at the moment? I have never been very crafty but it looks fun. Cute kitty too! :heart_eyes_cat:


She’s a viszla. There were only 2 pups in the litter so they were born bigger than usual. Not sure whether she is normal size for her age (12 weeks) or if she’s still ahead. She’s a right handful :see_no_evil::joy:

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Happy Saturday sober friends! I am going out walking today. Looking forward to catching up with a friend and taking a break from the puppy!

What’s everyone up to?


I’m finishing upcycling a piece of furniture that I started yesterday, just waiting for the last coat of paint to dry then I need to wax it and attach the new handles.
Going for a walk down the beach with the little one this afternoon. :heart:


Getting ready to go to the gym. May bring the pup for a walk before I go. Some housecleaning and laundry. Need to drop off some furniture to my son and may grab lunch out with my significant other (boyfriend). I teach an online class as a side hustle and will check in on my students. And then…relax without booze!

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Taking a break from puppy? Awwwwww! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Much needed! She is getting much better but I’m not working at the minute so she is getting a lot of my attention and it was nice to focus on something else for a few hours. She’s made so much progress over the last month, am still looking forward to her getting a bit more independent!

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Spotted our first snow drops of the year on our walk today :slight_smile:


I’m only in my 2nd month of sobriety, so I’m still getting used to being awake, alert and active at the weekends. The weather here in Ireland is terrible this morning and there’s not much to do as we’re in lockdown, but a walk in the rain, some good food and Netflix is my plan.

Hope you all have a great weekend ,:hugs:


Waking up hangover free is the best!

It’s pretty grey and gloomy here too in North West England.

What ya watching on Netflix?


Watching a few different things. Suits, Queens Gambit. I’ve watched suits before but don’t remember much. And that’s been happening a lot lately

What are you up to yourself?

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No plans, we’ve got a puppy so most days are mainly just trying to get stuff done while she’s asleep and trying not to get bitten too much while she’s awake :laughing:

Although this morning I have just been slobbing with her asleep on my lap. Might try and take her to the pet shop in a bit for a change of scenery and to get her used to the car.

All the excitement of lockdown!


I can definitely relate to that. We have a 9 week old puppy as well. And I can’t leave my 3yr old alone with the puppy for a second. He doesn’t understand that the puppy is not a horse and he can’t sit on him :joy:


Sounds like a great weekend! This will be my first sober weekend in a very long time, I’ll be 7 days sober by tomorrow night! I took the kids to the pool for a swim this afternoon. I bought some takeaway, without feeling guilty for spending money now I’ve saved some, and came home to hang out watching cartoons :heart_eyes:


Congrats on 7 days. Sounds like you’ve had a productive day as well. Enjoy waking up tomorrow hangover free