Sober Saturdays & Sundays

That does look yum! I’ve never heard of grill veg cheese & bread. Might have to try it.
The weekends are hard. I’m trying to stay busy, but it’s only 10 & running out of things to do already :flushed:


I start cleaning and going through closets when I’m bored!

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Its still going I think, it’s on Channel 4 which is one of the main Freeview channels here. Although it’s one of those shows that is repeated endlessly, the one I watched yesterday was one I hadn’t seen before which is unusual! It is a great show.

I have seen a few international ones but not Come Dine Canada. Will have to keep an eye out for it.

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It’s funny I always used to say I drank because I was bored. But looking back I didn’t actually do anything interesting while I was drinking. And any of the stuff I did that was interesting (talking to people, dancing, going places) I can do sober. Covid restrictions are really starting to bug me, not being able to see people in groups, but not much I can do about it.

The best thing I’ve learned through sobriety is being able to sit with myself, to be bored, to feel shitty and remember it will pass. Not every minute of every day needs to be exciting. As you can see from my post about what I’ve been up to, ha.

There’s always something to do though if you want to. Read, watch TV, go for a walk, have a bath, listen to music, do puzzles, call a friend or family member, dance, make food, arts and crafts, exercise, meditate, volunteer, sign up to a course… Or just sit and be bored, that’s ok too!

I did some housework this afternoon then had a big mood crash, so I just slumped in front of the TV. Got a puzzle book that I’m going to get on with next, once I’ve had a read round here.

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And the Countries of the World puzzle I posted is a good way to keep occupied for a little while :laughing:

@siand- yes! And when bored & getting numb then i don’t remember what i did - so did it really accomplish anything? I’ve had to rewatch so many shows because i was too drunk to remember :unamused: or piece together conversations when someone confided in me. Guess there’s no worry of telling anyone when i can’t remember. :flushed: I think i got so used to drinking to be extroverted. I’m learning i think I’m really an introvert who was just trying to fit in​:woman_facepalming:t3:

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It definitely took me a while to get over using alcohol and other substances in place of a personality :sweat_smile: but we get there. It’s not always a linear thing and there is usually something that pops us to remind us of that at the most inconvenient moment! But facing it with awareness and a clear head is something to be grateful for.

Can’t seem to drag myself away from the forum today :relieved: You guys are such good company.

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Haha I know that feeling well! Although bed time for me now :sleeping: Nunight!

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Trying to cook dinner without pouring that drink :crossed_fingers:


Had a little lie in, got up and sorted the chickens, did some yoga and had a hearty breakfast. Going to see my Mum for an hour and then I have absolutely zero plans.

I have things to do, but they can all wait until tomorrow. I might end up doing a couple of bits but today I will mainly be doing nothing and I can’t wait!

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Had a nice lazy morning in my PJs and dressing gown but then made the most of my partner being at home and a willing puppy watcher to get out of the house. Just went for a gentle wander and got some stuff from the shops for lunch.

Blue sky and sunshine but cold… I love being wrapped up warm but breathing in the cool,crisp air. Whatever else is happening am grateful to be sober and able to appreciate that.

Looking forward to a super chill evening, or at least while the puppy is asleep :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This is my second weekend sober. The first weekend was right after NYE so it seemed a bit easier as I had a 3 day hangover and was feeling disgusted with my self. This weekend is different. I have 8 days under my belt. Today is day 9, and now it’s setting in that this is my new future. Not that I view it as a negative, but normally at this point I’d be planning my first drink of the day and would carry the rest of the day until I pass out drunk at 10 or so. Wake up thinking what did we eat for dinner? Did my kid eat something healthy? Did I say something stupid? Did I text or call anyone? Is my husband talking to me? And the cycle would start again for Sunday.
I totally have have changed plans or dipped on plans based on whether a friend wants to drink or not. I used to think they were the strange ones- not taking advantage of the weekend with a few drinks… man was I ever blind.
Here’s to being a better person and friend!!


Thanks this made my day.


I love a sober Saturday and Sunday. Too many weekends have been lost to me laying on the couch feeling like I am dying!


Had a bit of a sleep in, got up, drank coffee, read my book, lit the burner. Went for an icy walk, called my dad, went and bought coal and teabags (yes, vital -I’m English) went to the local beach for a walk. Came home, sorted some boring internet stuff, tried and failed to learn a new tune in the banjo, went back to the beach and spun some poi, came home and made dough for tomorrow morning’s bread. Now I’m going to complete my Jigsaw and watch Twin Peaks!! Argh I need to get tea as well!!

As a comparison. If I had been drinking I would have got up way later. Sat around sulking and craving until I somehow convinced myself drinking was a good idea, then visited the corner shop, come back and got drunk while watching mindless TV.

Sober is so much better.


Started my sober Saturday last night assembling a pantry for the wife. Spent the morning/afternoon at thrift and grocery stores. Now 2/3 of the day into the NFL playoffs.

Annnd it’s the weekend again. My intentions of getting up and getting out early haven’t planned out. Somehow managed to get sucked in to watching WWE… I don’t really understand it but it’s strangely compelling.

Need to clear my head though so I’m going to head out for a short walk through the woods and swing by the shops on the way back.

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I found myself last night dreading the weekend. For me that means 0 alone time and extra long days not drinking as the weekends I used to start around 1pm.
It’s damp and rainy today. Looking for activities to do with a extremely active 3year old.

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I imagine that is pretty intense! Although hope you can enjoy each other a bit. Have you got some good activities lined up?