So it was my 4’th Half Marathon. First Half Marathon was back in 2013. Time was 1:52:56. I was preparing a lot and was struggling with Panic Attacks, Depression and was quitting Benzos addiction. To be honest it is somehow easier to go through physical pain when you have a lot of mental pain. Second and third was somewhere on Lockdowns.
Maybe it was not a wise idea to run Half Marathon without proper preparation, but I having a lot on my shoulders lately. I felt like I need it. Also it was a beautiful day. I wanted to have a nice track in nature alone. I havent run more than 12 this year. I almost do not do speed workouts. My muscles was not ready at all. Also I forgot to take water with me.
On 7’th kilometer my left foot started to hurt a bit again. I think I have problems with my tendons, but it’s getting better. It almost do not hurts when I run. Indeed it hurts more when I walk. Around on 17 km all I was thinking about - was water. Last 3 kilometers was true suffering. But I enjoyed it.