Sober Selfies #17 (shirts required, please review rules)

HI , quit drinking Feb 1st , up and down days for sure Today is ok i guess, work is tough today , instead of having a drinkie today going to chiropractor to get cracked and tomm the dentist after work for a cleaning. Wow i really like to torture myself i hate the freaking dentist !!!


What an inspiration x

I was just mentioning that in the checking in page. Love your outfit!:star2::star2::star2::star2:

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Love your expression!!:grin:

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that was another question why cant i figure out the check in page lol i looked and looked i must be missing something, and thank you

What does the # 64 mean in the check in page ?

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Umm my ex husband would love to go… he would fall asleep. .Psychopath lol

Girl you silly :rofl::joy:

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Girl talk about :fire: you definitely got it and such a beautiful smile :heart::hugs:

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I think, it might be the 64th page of it?!? Could be wrong!:blush:

Threads are automatically closed when 2500 posts are recorded. So that thread has seen 2500x63 (157,500) posts already!

And if each post counts as a sober day, that’s 431 YEARS of sober check-ins! Wow!


lol that would make sense i think figured it out i just checked it for day 41 today , not sure if it worked we shall see :slight_smile: everything is so new and im horrible at computers and new things so both together isnt good lol



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I’m the same way! I blame it on the fact that I am 60 years young!:laughing::laughing::laughing:


Congratulations on you achievement @ladybug1974
41 days is huge.
Welcome aboard.
I’m glad you’re here. Sure you’ll figure out a lot of interesting threads here. So many wonderful, helpful and supportive people all here to help one another. I love TS and it really made the difference for me.


Lucky you @Soberbilly I’m a bit jealous :smiling_face:
Enjoy your boat trip :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smiley:

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Thanks so great , glad to hear that, thank you so much. Now i just have to learn how to work the whole site.


Always great to see you Bill. I’m very busy in real life but it’s all for the good. Looking forward to springtime and some sunshine and warmer temperatures here 🪻:tulip::sun_with_face:
Makes everything look a bit smoother :smiley:
But I’m doing great with stacking up my sober days.
With a little sunshine I’ll start to feel better energy level wise too.


LOL - -thanks :laughing:
i rely on silliness to get me through :wink:

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