Sober Selfies #18 (NO swimwear, shirts required, please review rules)

Glad you’re back Crystal and congratulations on your 90 days.

That’s beautifully said. Nothing is lost, it’s always work in progress.
Glad you’re here sharing your story with us :sunflower:
Thank you!


I love this selfie thread and it’s wonderful people so much :revolving_hearts:
My love goes out to all of you struggling or celebrating.
You are wonderful, strong and inspiring and reading your stories makes me feel being part of your journey and it gives me joy and hope and strength when I’m struggling on my own journey too.
Wishing everyone a brilliant start to a wonderful sober and clean week.
No matter what!
Thank you for being here :pray::pray::pray:

Never thought I would go back to an open air event like that again. But there we go. Last Saturday in Berlin. Celebrating my favourite German singer together with 22000 fans … It was magical :sparkles: :magic_wand: :sparkles:


“Three sheets to the wind” means inebriated. Drunk.
Here’s some info on the origin if you can get through the ads. @Faugxh


Thank you!
Hahah. Ever heard the phrase 3 sheets to the wind? It means very drunk


I love this pic… super cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Great to see you popping in Anne with your lovely smile…glad you got to enjoy the outdoor concert :hugs:

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Keep getting after it!

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475 Days


Good day sober friends :wave: Porchin with my homemade iced coffee :coffee: :yum: here waiting on the storm :cloud_with_lightning: to hit because I needed a break from work inside… So I made an executive decision and moved my desk to the porch… I think better out here… I spent 2/3rds of my life locked in an office the size of a broom closet… I say no more of that :poop: neither lol… 4 years, 1 week, 3 days and still scrolling y’all… :laughing:


Love the blue! :blue_heart:🩵

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LOVE IT! Happy smile too – enjoy the iced coffee outdoors :hugs:


Thanks love – i enjoyed it but the spray did cause hair to get matty and dry LOL
Glad i was able to get it to come out and I enjoyed it for the day :heart:


I love your picture! It’s so nice yo see you.

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Awe thanks love. :people_hugging:

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From my cousins graduation last weekend.
Pants Lilly Pulitzer
Hoodie Vineyard Vines
Tank top Basic you
Pearl earrings
Zodiac necklace
Hair natural.


From a concert last night in Paris with friends :metal:t2:



Thank ya Jazzy :smiling_face: I enjoyed it so much I might just set up outdoors all summer lol :laughing: Sometimes I forget that we’re living in a cordless, wireless. moble world :earth_americas: now. Probably where I was stuck indoors working all those year’s lol


Brilliant, hope it was an awesome show

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I do love our wireless world and the possibilities that come with it. Sounds lovely having your office outdoors… enjoy the open fresh air :people_hugging:

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