352…2 weeks away from my 1st year. Thank you!
Yes, awesome!
You are the one laying down right? I believe you both can stay!
Thank you so much!
Plans to celebrate such a blessed occasion?
Fun ride today. Little crash, with some redemption. https://youtube.com/shorts/aAZHQV_qVQQ?si=Xzw0XMAfyjmJiI7x
So very cool. Keep on rocking it!
I subbed!
Thank you man. Hopefully i can be a legand like you and have over 100k some day.
Been a rough week.
Woke up very fearful for the future and anxious. Course I realize I got not control over people places and things. And I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. But I can control how I react. So I enjoyed my coffee and meditation this morning. Drove to the beach for an AA meeting and then a long gorgeous hike after.
Life is good.
Life is great sober! ODAAT.
My kind of attitude adjustment.
Sounds like a great day sober. Proud of you Eric! And I agree we can’t control the past or the future all we can do is focus on the now. Good stuff
Thanks Trevor
Damn! This is awesome. Thanks for sharing . You got some mad skills
That’s a freeing smile . Glad you went out and had such a wonderful tine on the beach
Hell of a journey . You are crushing this recovery girl!! So very proud of you
I don’t care if I’m a week late your still f@#kin brilliant, well done it’s been a pleasure watching you grow ( and fish)
I thought PINK had joined us
Congrats to you:raised_hands:t5:
Ha ha!