Sober Selfies #3

Moods will come and go, you are doing amazing!
I’m sure a sober bad mood is still better than a drunk dad :family_man_girl_girl:

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Yeah no doubt. Thanks man, and thanks @Dolse71 and @Dragonflygirl82. Got a nice bike ride in and brought myself back a lil bit


Glad to hear!

125 days clean. Already hitting the 80’s here :hot_face:


Nice work Cole on 125 days!!!
Already 80s here in as well.


Thank you @GVLNative! I despise heat lol! 70-75 with a nice breeze is my perfect weather. I cant stand humidity or high heat :hot_face:

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Mike, you know this shit comes and goes. Look at the experience and learn from it. Nothing is ever wasted and there is always a new day ahead. Fuck that grumpy mood. You will get through.

You know where I’m at, brother. I got your back.

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I truly do try to learn from it, my mind is a funny sum bitch lol. This will be my first sober summer, last time I made it till July. I think that they bother me a lil. Thanks Megan :slight_smile: I’m pushing I’m pushing


Hey Mike, sorry to hear you’re feeling rough buddy. I think we’re really hard on ourselves, thinking of all the things we could be if only we were “better” or “more organized” or “on top of it”. I get that negative self talk allll the time.

But I think one of the most valuable lessons we can give our kids is how to process that. We can watch that negative thought, see it come, acknowledge it, and let it pass (like a boat on a river). And I think our kids notice how we handle that. They aren’t conscious of it exactly but they begin to see that strength and stability in us as parents, and fathers. They see that we’re adapting to life as it faces us: life on life’s terms.

You’re a good dad Mike. You are a good dad. Your daughters love you. They always will. And no matter what, you are enough for them. Maybe things won’t be smooth always - you might wish some things were different about your life - but I promise you, as long as you stay honest and accountable with yourself, and listen & support your kids (all of which is free!) - I promise you are exactly the father they need.

Take care buddy and keep fighting the good fight. It’s worth it and you will achieve great things! :smiley:

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In my town, salons are open now with restrictions. It was crazy busy, but I got lucky and was the last customer of the day.

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I do the same thing. I have what I call the Goof (a goofy persona that says things I know are ridiculous or nonsensical), which is really just a way of dodging my uncertainty about what I should (or could) be doing.


I think it’s pretty common. I think it’s harder for me to pick up on it with myself because I can very easily become goofy just normally. Requires a bit of mindfulness to notice the difference, I suppose.


I agree. It’s one of the things I only really started noticing when I started incorporating mindfulness (or generally more self-awareness) into my sobriety work. Funny how sobriety is having positive effects in other areas of my life :joy:

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I’m glad you say it Matt cause this is exactly what I have experienced yesterday. One of my boys is 9 so old enough to tell what he sees and thinks…so he said to me ‘daddy. You actually doing very good this time not drinking.’ Just so you know I am massively focused on managing my emotions upon my 5 days soberity and he read me through. This gave me some strength :point_left: :muscle: :ok_hand: keep strong @anon60334405. We all have to :+1:


Naw… you don’t say! :joy: I’ve noticed it a lot in the other direction too; whatever I do for my mental health helps me with my sobriety.

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Congratulations Matt on your 90 days. Keep up the good work stay focused and determined. Life gets better one day at a time, one hour at a time, sometimes it takes one breath at a time but it does get better. There, but for the grace of God go I.

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Congratulations Jene on day 9 and hitting a meeting. Keep up the good work and stay strong…

The funk that you are feeling Mike could be coming from those sunglasses… :rofl: just saying.
Seriously though Mike your self-awareness and how you treat other people is a testament of the hard work you’re putting into your program. Stay strong and determined my friend, proud of you.

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Okay here goes…
Before and after, 50 days sober


Today is my day 100 sober…I am celebrating it by starting to lay new floors in my house…