Sober Selfies #3

Omg I can’t wait for all those things! Lol our hair salons are finally open but gotta wait 2 weeks for my appointment. Nail salons I think are still 3 weeks away. :roll_eyes:

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I have found the brain to be not unlike a muscle, in that the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. Yes, as it gets older (and fuller) it takes a bit more work to keep it sharp, but you can sharpen it. My wife, who is 10 years younger than me, is often astounded at my ability to retain facts, quotes, trivia, etc. I think this is because I read a lot. I always have 2-3 books going at the same time: something fictional, something historical, something theoretical. Each stimulates a different part of the brain, in essence a balanced workout.

Also, I’d recommend podcasts. Music is great and has its place, but podcasts require active listening. Being an active listener is a great skill, applicable to countless areas of life.

Just keep getting better at getting better each and every day. Better today than you were yesterday and tomorrow better still.


Let me assure you, your memory WILL get better. I was frustrated for the longest time about my memory, especially because benzos were a huge part of my addiction story. I went to doctors, talked to my therapist and psychiatrist, freaked out all over the place because of my memory. But it improved GREATLY over time. Some things to start practicing, MINDFULNESS is the most important, but also things like brain exercises and art. Art is a HUGE help for getting your brain right. It forces you to think in so many ways that stretch the brain, but also forces you to slow your brain down and just see and feel.

Early recovery is a disaster. Most of it falls at our own feet. Expectations are the killer of early sobriety, especially the small expectations. Just ride it out for a while. Like months or even a year. Take the pressure off by just learning to live and experience again. Before you know it you will start to notice changes that you didn’t even realize were happening. And those moments when you do realize they happened are where the magic is.


No, it’s not a dishwasher. I could have bought a few of them with the money I spent on this thing though.

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Day 2/55 on my raw food vegan challenge. (I’ll be 1 year sober in 54 days!). I’m doing this health challenge to close out my 1 year soberversary. It’s symbolic of massive change and starting anew. I made the 3 juices in the photo and I keep that journal near to record my experience. Hope everyone’s doing their best to maintain their mental health and be better during such chaotic times.


I’m just gonna have a little bit of a trim I think.


With teary eyes but still sober

Thnx ts


So very sorry about your friend. We can never know what is another’s heart or mind. A good reminder to go gentle and practice kindness. :green_heart:




Boston Massachusetts well near there. :blush: and ya my memory is terrible. :joy:


My city had done some peaceful protests… no looting or anything like that here. Boston well that’s a different story. The entire situation is sad. Wish people could love more and hate less. :peace_symbol::heart::blush:


did you used to do that with hula hoops when you were young.

I would love to be able to sit and bite them. Not on him :astonished:I mean if they were mine.

To tell you the truth, it makes me proud to be part of this little crew of ours (recovering addicts & alcoholics). I feel like one of the gifts of addiction is pure tolerance, love & open mindedness. We’re all on a higher spiritual path and see life from a unique perspective. I love that about us!
I’m in a little city half way between Los Angeles & Las Vegas called Barstow. Kinda out in the middle of the Mojave Desert. And you? Where at in Canada?


at least he can scratch his own back :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ya very crazy times for sure! Sadly who knows the truth behind any of it. The government never tells us the truth. It’s sad. People are just fed up…: rightfully so. Can’t we all just get along?? :joy: praying things will change. :pray:t3::heart:


I think when you find yourself at a point in life when you have nothing left to lose and death seems like the only way out we suddenly realise there’s more to life than meets the eye. When you start to accept life on life’s terms it becomes a wonderuos experience of challenges and rewards instead of a shit load of problems with the odd good day.

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Hula hoops?? Can’t say I did! :joy:

Exactly right! :blue_heart:

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:heart_eyes: congratulations