Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

hope you doing well buddy

I am, thanks!
How about yourself?

Getting there my man. Not the best day mentally but starting to feel better. Its 21.24pm in the UK. Just getting my daughter to sleep then relax.


Come join the zoom meeting, it’s very helpful and counter-boredom


Pink eyebrows make me look angry lol


I. Love. This.

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Day 255. Got my hair dyed darker again today (i switch it up a lot) haha hair places are still open in MI thankfully because it at least gets me out and about for a little bit. Hope everyone is having a great sober Saturday! :heart:



Looking great

You’re so beautiful! Keep rocking sobriety.

Thank you!:slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 322 lets get it !!!

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I’ve never seen you look so good

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Just kidding. Now I have.

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Foxy! What did you get?

Happy 1st of Advent.
91 days today.


Had thanksgiving yesterday. First time seeing my sister since her wedding. She must weight 86 pounds. As a nutritionist it’s so hard to watch her disintegrate into nothing because I can see how malnourished she is & know the heartbreaking long term affects. She was a drug addict and she switched that for anorexia. But this time around, she isn’t 18 and dealing with it, she’s 33 and has body dismorphia. With eating disorders, is so hard for adults to get out of this cycle especially when they have a background of drug and alcohol abuse. I wish she’d come to me for help. I could help her. But like those in active addiction, they need to want it. This year for thanksgiving I am sad. But thankful she is still alive.


Work is depressingly slow. We are gonna have to start talking people off the schedule and I’m going to have to help decide who loses hours. I’m sad, angry, anxious and frustrated. But I’m keeping my damn head up!


Yeah, I can understand that it is hard. I started of with eating disorders and changed to alcohol. Quitting alcohol was way easier for me. Taking care of a healthy diet or whatsoever is more difficult as : well, when you leave it out you are anorectic, right.

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NOT TODAY SATAN !!! never will i put this poison down my stomach never will i choose you over life never will i choose you over happiness i stand today with my middle finger to this garbage :face_vomiting::fire::pray::partying_face: with no feelings whatoever for it !!!