Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

Way to go :heart:. Seriously, so proud of you!

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You look so good! :two_hearts: happy new year pretty girl!

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You look like you’re doing pretty great yourself there!! Happy, just about, New Years, to you Emilie.
Always nice to see you check in.

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Cant beat fresh ling fish and chips! That’s my favorite thing about being a fisherman, enjoying the catch on the dinner table


I agree with that.


Keeping to room open just in case someone needs to hear the message of sobriety.


Looks like a great day, Jason/wild man! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :grin:

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Don’t feel as sick anymore so thats good


Thanks so much Emilie same to you! :yellow_heart::blush:

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I will do it too! Topless chewbacca pic.


First time hopping on. Hope it’s okay. Here I am this morning waiting on the clock to hit 7:07 so I can celebrate 54 days!


day 332, you sexy thang you


Getting the morning cig in, along with the coffee. Hopeful to log some miles dr appt today.


Almost hit my 5 Months too :muscle:t2: stay strong

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I think my local park has become a dating Park…

I’ve been asked:
Do you come here often, wanna exchange numbers,
Your dogs cute, you single?!!
Sorry you got the time, pull phone out… Can I have your number!

I believe the cold weather is turning people funny…


Happy sober New Years, from me and my 18 y/o.

123 days today.

And to all of you who’s having a hard time staying sober today, keep on fighting. You can do this :heart:


Likely the lockdowns. There are few “acceptable” places where people can meet other people these days. I imagine this is forcing people to approach potential partners in non-traditional places like parks, grocery and retail stores.

Long long ago, in a galaxy far far away a certain young, single Marine used to take his laundry to a great laundromat in town. The place was essentially a bar and grill with a laundromat attached. You could order a drink, shoot a game of pool, throw darts, or play video games, while washing your clothes…I met a few women there, which resulted in dates. In a military town where the ratio of single men to single women wasn’t in a guy’s favor, I had to think outside the box.


There was a place like that in Ft. Lauderdale in my 20s. I may have left my laundry there by accident a couple times, :face_with_hand_over_mouth::smile:


That’s amazing!

I think even outside of pandemic/lockdown, meeting people as an adult - with romantic or strictly platonic intent - can be kind of tricky, especially when bars etc are not an option. People are kind of set and busy in their lives and existing “friend groups”. It was much easier in school, I’ll tell ya that. Even before the pandemic, my default assumption is that people in public generally want to be left alone…at least in this part of the country…so there’s internal mindset forces at work as well.

Definitely worse now, though. People have become especially weary of interacting with strangers. I think a lot of these pandemic-age social practices will take a good while to shake once all is said and done.

Also…why are there not more laundry mats such as this one?

Happy new year to you, Yoda.