Sober Time 4.2 - Major new update with many features

Hey everyone,

I’ve been working on a new update for Sober Time for quite a while now. Sober Time 4.2 is currently being rolled out globally and should be available everywhere within this week. The update focuses on usability, and you’ll see many of the pages and UI elements have been updated. I’ll go over some of the bigger changes below.

Dynamic dark and light theme

By default, Sober Time will now detect if your device is using a light or dark theme, and then set its theme accordingly. It will use the standard Sober Time blue and white theme if your system is on light, and it will use Sober Time’s dark theme if your system is on dark. The app’s launch screen, the app itself, and the community page will all now reflect this. This is to improve usability and also to avoid a jarring white and light app while you’re using dark mode.

You can still override this with a different theme color, and if you’ve already chosen a different theme color it will stay that way. Open the Theme page by tapping on the main menu, then Settings and then Theme. You’ll see a new theme option in the top-left titled “Device” that will mimic the theme your device is on.

Sober Time’s dark theme itself has also been updated to be more on brand, using lighter blue colors instead of the bright neon greens it previously had.

Cloud Sync updates
  • Cloud Sync has a new, more organized layout.
  • Cloud Sync now has an indicator that will be overlayed on the app whenever it performs a backup or a restore, including auto backups. You can disable this if you don’t like it.
  • Auto backups are now enabled by default when signing into Cloud Sync, but you can still disable them
  • Any new backups made with Sober Time 4.2 or higher will now also show the amount of addiction trackers and journal entries for each backup, which helps you recognize data sets.
  • The “auto” and “manual” backup sections can now be collapsed, which makes it easier to navigate the page.
  • The current account is also listed at the top, which helps you identify which account you’re using without having to open additional menus.
  • Auto backups are now more efficient. They are faster and the app will check backup content to avoid duplicate backup sets that clog up your auto backup slots.
  • Auto backup slots have increased from 10 to 20

Here’s a screenshot of the new Cloud Sync, with the animated indicator showing at the top because it’s busy with an auto backup.

Add images to your Journal and History entries

You can now attach an image to each of your journal entries or history entries (resets). This is optional, but it can help you remember a moment or provide inspiration.

Both of these pages have a new button right below the text field.
Tapping this button will then allow you to attach an image to that specific entry. The app will store it for you and the images are also backed up with Cloud Sync.

The journal page will show your newly added image, with the rating color overlayed. Here’s an example:

The history page will show a thumbnail if an entry has an image:

Community updates

The community page also received a few quality of life changes. The community theme will apply a dark color scheme when you’re using a device with a system dark theme. This works on any modern browser, not just the app. I also fixed a bug where the community inside of the Android app would always show a dark theme, even if you’re on a light system theme.

The back and forward buttons in the app bar are now disabled if you can’t go back or forward.

When scrolling down, the community’s top app bar will shrink to give you more screen space. Scrolling up will expand it again.



General improvements and fixes

Many of the elements, like buttons, panels, menus, and dialogs have been updated with a more modern look. It’s subtle, but it adds a bit more quality to the look and feel. Several small bugs have also been squashed in this update.

Thanks for reading! There’s more to come and I’m already working on the next set of features and improvements.


Are you a person. The wonderful that made this wonderful work, thank you and all the good greetings to you


i would like the journal we can add entries like a posts

These updates all sound awesome!! Thanks Robin!

Thank you!!

Thank you. Can’t wait to see the updates :cherry_blossom::pray: