Sober time 5 minutes

Yay! Congrats on day 3!
One day at a time, those days will continue stacking up.

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Well done on getting three days again, pick up the phone or come on here and share next time you feel your going to drink, before you pick up the first one …remember one moment at a time .if you don’t pick up the first one you can’t relapse sending love and strength to you :heart::kissing_heart:

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Thank you so much it is great kmowing that i can turn to someone for help when need it most.

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Day five! Feeling better and better🙂


Way to go on day 5!

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Thank you all🙂

Allright no problem for now…


Congratulations on one week!
200w (1)

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Still going strong, but soon temptations will start…


And when they do you will pick up your tools and talk to us hope your ok ?if not share about it :kissing_heart:

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Congratulations on 10 days. Can you try to avoid those temptations. Think sober surround yourself with sober stay connected here. Just some suggestions!


Gonna do my best to try and avoid them! I ll post here when they do come! Thank you guys you re great!

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Allrigt, feeling better and better​:sunglasses::sunglasses::muscle::muscle:


Congrats on 2 weeks…

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Thank you soo much, It really helps when you see even a stranger can care enough to comment and give some encouragment it makes me feel i am not alone in this struggle.


Wow! Look at you go! Congrats on 2 weeks! :partying_face: :muscle:

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Congratulations on your day 5 :muscle:

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Congrats on your 2 weeks buddy keep going. :100:

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Allright, still going strong, but today weekend starts with that comes some temptations. But I am not worried just yet, as I am not thinkimg about any excuses to go drink just one drink. Deleting all those numbers really helps😁