Sober Weekend Warrior

Pretty quiet and lonely on the weekends.
Kids go to their grandparents and I’m not really in with friends ever.
Summer time sun used to be a big trigger for me and I am going to be learning sober life for the first time since I was pregnant and nursing.
Sometimes I want to talk to people about my sobriety but I feel like it’s bragging if it’s to
My drinking family. My dads the only sober one and he has been for almost 30 years.
Basically wish there was in person meetings right now.
Guess I’ll go make some more tea and pray about it. Have to stay strong! Tomorrow I’m 12 weeks sober so it’s all starting to pay off :pray:t4::partying_face::tada::white_check_mark::100::top::blush::heart:


Congratulations on your 12 weeks Jessica. That’s awesome. I am very happy for you. That’s HUGE!
It took me awhile to feel comfortable talking to my wife about my sobriety. She still drinks. I talk about it a lot more now. She supports me. But I try not to over do it.
Sobriety pays off in huge grateful dividends. Especially the clear head and the no hangovers.
Have a great rest of your sober weekend.


Thank you @Dazercat :pray:t4::100: that’s really true the clear head and no hangovers is where it’s at! Each weekend is a chance to succeed :pray:t4::open_book::blush::white_check_mark: you too thank you hope you have a great sober weekend :tada::100::blush::raising_hand_woman:t4:


Well done on your 12 weeks!!

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Congrats on your 12 weeks :blush:. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Every day you grow stronger and your new life is worth it :blush::muscle:


Thank you @Beforemy30s :100::partying_face::blush::tada::heart::pray:t4::white_check_mark::raising_hand_woman:t4: Very excited today :hugs: only six days away from 90 :partying_face::white_check_mark::heart:


@adeygaga49 for sure I will :pray:t4: thanx my sober sistah!
Is always worth making it thru another day to wake up without sickness and grief :pray:t4::100::hugs: made it another weekend :pray:t4::heart:🪴


Congrats on 12 weeks, huge accomplishment. The longer your sober it will come easier to talk to others. I found that I had a lot of shame in the beginning of my sobriety but as time went on it became easier. This forum has helped me tremendously even having 3 years of sobriety under my belt I still have to remind myself where I would be if I used and how good my life is now. I no longer have cravings or urges but because I have people to talk to about being sober helps so much. Ts is my sober family and there is always someone here when I have a bad day and need someone to talk to. We all understand here. Hope you have a blessed day. :purple_heart:


That’s very inspiring and amazing :star_struck: 3 years is so wonderful :tada::partying_face::100: I am so excited to be that far along! Yes I am so happy now I have a place to go and check in with my new sober family :raising_hand_woman:t4::heart::pray:t4: Thank you so much @Complicatedmama and congrats on your awesome accomplishments in sobriety :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4: So happy for you :star_struck::pray:t4::heart::tada: have a great and blessed day as well :pray:t4::heart::raising_hand_woman:t4:

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Congrats! Yes at these times in person meetings are not always active - but fortunately there’s some online options:
Online meeting resources

Take care and never give up. You’re a good person who deserves a safe, sober life where you can be your full self :innocent:

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Aww thanks so much @Matt :innocent::pray:t4::heart::100::muscle:t4: Am going to my first meeting tonight online for my area and am a bit nervous but mostly excited :pray:t4::sunglasses::blush:

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