Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

My favorite movie (ok, one of many favorites) is Contact. Lots of interesting relevant to this thread topics, too!


I am going to do just that. Thank you @Pat_m for being such a great encourager :black_heart:


Remeber how this feels…when that urge hits again…recall today…then tell that urge to go fuck itself!


It mesmerized me


Absolutely. I let my emotions rule that decision unfortunately. Turning to drinking was my way to numb my feelings and not deal with things and I allowed it to happen again. But I know that I do not want that to happen again.


This one, simple and direct, is very helpful for me, it works the same with THC and lots of drugs I suppose


I love Contact too! I need to watch it again, it’s been a long time.

As for brilliant movies on the subject, have you seen Arrival from Denis Villeneuve ?


For me personally learning about my own emotions, really feeling and understanding them, maybe has been the greatest gain of being sober. First I was scared of my emotions. One of the main reasons I drank was to numb 'm. And discovering my own emotions was scary at first and sometimes still is.

But I’m so happy I’m getting to know them better and better. Makes me understand myself and the people around me so much better too. Only possible because of my sobriety.


Yes! It’s a favorite. I read the short story it was based on first and I remember watching the movie thinking, “this is sooooo familiar!” I highly recommend Ted Chiang’s short stories.

Stories of Your Life and Others Stories of Your Life and Others: Chiang, Ted: 9781101972120: Books

He has a newer collection out that was very good too, but the story Arrival is based on is in this one.

Edit to say I don’t watch it as often because it’s such a tear jerker for me, I come away with puffy eyes! But now I want to watch it.


Absolutely. I agree with so so much. Along with my depression, it amplifies it the next day. It’s just a really bad habit that I am stopping but I do think this is the last time. The first time I relapsed I was a week in I think? Or something but I went hard… this time it wasn’t the same but I did it out of sadness and drank enough to fall asleep.


Yes, this. I had posted before that I started therapy and it has opened some very old and delicate wounds. It’s been helpful but also I have come face to face with some emotions I have pushed aside for so long. I want to know how to deal with the aftermath of that and that’s something I think will benefit me with processing it all.


Best post I have ever seen

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Ricky is one of my favourite humans of all time. He has a new comedy on Netflix called SuperNature


I am not sure where to put this but it feels like the right place. I am simply devastated about the mass shooting at an elementary school in Texas today. 14 kids killed. More injured. I was wailing and felt like I was losing control but called my mom and she helped ground me. Eric came home soon after. It’s all so fucked up and I scared my family members by saying that I didn’t want to live in this world. I did not mean to say I didn’t want to live, but I simply don’t see how things can change now. I cannot imagine what kind of grief the parents and family are going through. It just makes me wonder whether we will ever get to a place where guns will not dominate our lives.


Next month, I will be 10 years sober. I struggle every day. My struggle is that I don’t necessarily feel my life is necessary better or happier for it. I’ve gained 60 lbs, my marriage is definitely worse, and I definitely did not find AA to be a welcoming organization. I’m hopeful in finding this community.


Thank you. It is beyond devastating to live like a spectator. That’s how it feels these days, I’m a spectator to violence and it’s disgusting.

As a mother of 3 kids, who are all about to be in elementary school, this hit so hard… it broke my heart hearing this news :pensive::pensive: this world is a scary place to be


This is so terrible. What a horrible thing to happen. :frowning:

19 kids and 2 adults killed, this is so crazy, and the shooter is 18 years old. It’s everywhere on the news in France. Got two kids, I can’t even imagine the pain. I don’t think I even want to imagine the pain.

I remember Uvalde, I crossed this town years ago during a road trip.