Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

I personally love it !!! It’s so funny :rofl:

I studied geology and paleontology, I remember during my studies I went to a creationist “”“conference”"", just for the fun of it. Coz I’m like that. Anyway. The guy, an actual former geologist (he said), showed us images of earth layers, their ages, blablabla, and he told us that he found a nail, yes a fecking nail, in a geological layer where it couldn’t and shouldn’t have been. And his conclusion was: IT IS a nail from the noe’s ark.
I found that so hilarious, I was LMAO, alone in there. Went out and I think I was still laughing at home 1 hour later.


Yes! :muscle:t2: Bravo !!

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Oh no! :joy::joy: I couldn’t last long in a situation like that because I would probably have a hard time keeping my laughter in :grimacing::grimacing:

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Thank you :relaxed::relaxed:

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@Astro I always find the flat earth thing to be so interesting. Not interesting as in, “I am so convinced!”, but more along the lines of “I really need to know how you think this would actually work and why.” :laughing:
@anon59754122 Great job on your 10 days!
@Pat_m Or it could be a nail from a long ago sign nailed on a brothel. We all know that is one of those industries that is repression proof. We all have our beliefs. I think I just found mine. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Thank you @Chiron!! :relaxed:

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George Carlin has always said it best


Exactly!! :woman_facepalming:t2:

Double figures already Jay Liza! Congrats! We’re together here, united in diversity. Happy to have you here. Hugs.


Thank you @Mno :black_heart: I respect you so much so having your feedback really just means the world to me. :black_heart:


This may not have been intended (consciously or not) but I want to chime in to say, you are exactly who and what you need to be, right now, and the next second from now, and the second after that… ad infinitum.

You are never less than you should be, or not enough for what you need to be. You are, like every other human - in recovery or not - living this present 24 hours. There is no “count”; there is no measure. There is only your present. There is only ever what is happening now, and how you navigate that.

(Of course I know there are milestones, and I’m not dismissing those at all. :innocent: But what I’m trying to say is your value is in the present, always, and is as much and as worthy for someone with one minute as it is for someone who’s done one year [or 525,600 single minutes - that’s how you measure, measure a year].)

You are human and there is meaning and learning and growth in that - and you are precious, your value is within, always.

Edit to add - with segue :innocent:
Your value is not in what was, or in what will be - but in what and where you are, now.


I wish I could just give you the biggest hug @Matt !! You really just encourage me so much and I really appreciate that :black_heart::black_heart:


Others cannot measure our worth, and we cannot measure theirs.

Since others can’t see or assess our worth, the question of whether to distance ourselves from them (cut off from them) has more to do with what’s a healthy space for us. Is your time with these people a healthy space? Only you can know that (and it helps to consult with your sober friends from Talking Sober or from your recovery group, for their perspective). If it isn’t, or if you’re not sure, then try new potentially healthier friendship spaces, and see what you find there. It’s not about worth - it’s never about worth; no person can ever assess another person’s worth - but it is about how we see and feel ourselves in our world, how we move through it and “ride the waves” of emotion and experience.

And that’s learning: riding the waves of emotion and experience. That’s life. That’s value, and that’s worth. And any human can have that. Any human can gain a healthy, growth relationship with their life and their world (including their choices about relationships and friendships), and they can do it at any time, whether they have one minute of sobriety or one year or more.

Peers who support us is important. That doesn’t mean that our health (including our sobriety) is at risk based on what one of our peers does or doesn’t do. Our health is our choice and our work and our independent power, always, and with conscious attention we can maintain it through anything that happens. But this does mean that we have the ability (and the responsibility) to make healthy choices about who we connect with, and who we maintain distance from (and these can evolve over time). This is why sober groups and sober spaces like Talking Sober and SMART Recovery, etc, are important. There’s a shared goal there, a shared sense of health and purpose. There’s community - and that feeds our humanity.


Good morning all you wonderful people! I just wanted to remind everyone on here, that this thread is 1) wonderful, 2) should be athiest affirming and supporting, 3) not bashing religious beliefs.

When we start poking fun of other religions, it will bring unwanted attention, and let’s face it…everyone on here, being athiest has been made fun of, bashed ect, at some point in their life and even on here.

I want y’all to have a space, amongst all the other threads where you know religion will not be shoved in your face.

My concern, if we post memes, or poke fun at religious beliefs…y’all will open yourself up to the wonderful internet trolls.

The easiest way to beat a troll? Take the high road and ignore.

I have learned something form everyone one of you, and cannot wait to read more that follows this.

If there any questions or hard feelings…PLEASE message me or another moderator.

My goal is to protect your space.




Starting my new job tomorrow, working as a nurse in a detox facility. 15 Years after starting nursing school with the intention to work in addiction care. By coincidence I first got into a psychiatry job I liked, then tried some further education, which failed due to my ever increasing alcohol intake although it took me years to see that. Ended up working in assisted living for older psychiatric patients. And saw no way out, resigned to the fact I’d work there till my retirement.

That was until I decided to become clean and sober. To remain just that, I choose my own road. I discovered I couldn’t do it alone. I needed my peers. I found them right here. I tried AA and NA and it wasn’t for me. I couldn’t bend my head around the higher power stuff. All respect to people who can, whether they believe in god or not, but I can’t.

Still I needed more than just togetherness with my brothers and sisters. I needed to work on myself. I got into therapy which I just finished a month ago. It helped lots but one important thing was left largely untouched. So now I feel I need to do some more therapy on finally processing the abuse I endured as a kid, abuse from a close family member and from a teacher, which left me with my trust, my outlook on life, my ability to be an adult and lead an adult life, and most importantly my sexuality and my self image shattered. I’m broken but I’m working on gluing the pieces back together. One day at a time.

Anyway. I feel, a week shy of three years sober, I’m repaired enough to go and pay some of the stuff I received forward in my work and try to help people like you and me to break the grip addiction has on them. It’s the right time for it. Ten years ago I thought I could but I couldn’t. Now I can although I’m still working on myself too. Together with you all here. I never could do it alone. We do it together. Together we’re stronger and more than just the sum of our individual selves. Thanks so much for being on this road with me. Much love to you all.


I am so incredibly happy for you and I know you are going to change so many lives as you already have. :black_heart::black_heart: thank you for being exactly who you are!!


I’m really happy for you Menno. When I arrived here, i first mainly landed on the music thread, and found you and a few others. You’ve always been kind, and such a great listener, and advice giver.
You deserve what you fought for. I wish you the best and a great trip on this new road :v:t2: