Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

Holy wow, what a line up!! Alice Cooper was one of my favorite shows when I was a teenager. I have loved RHCP since their beginning.

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Get some tickets and come on up to Kentucky

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2 weeks :black_heart::black_heart:


Look at you making up lost time like a boss. :wink: Great job on your two weeks!

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Thank you! :relaxed::relaxed:

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And still growing :black_heart::black_heart:


Does it ever seem like people interact with you differently when they find out you are atheist/agnostic? I have had some experiences where i have been open about it and it makes that person switch very quickly. It’s unfortunate because that does not define me as a person. I’m still kind, funny, caring, loving and encouraging person and it seems like once the word atheist pops up that all goes away.


Oh this is sad…
In France noone cares, noone ask either tbh :man_shrugging:t2:
Maybe in hardcore religion circles? I don’t know any. Even the few religious people from my family don’t care at all what I and others believe in.

Stay who you are, be proud of yourself and be proud of your beliefs. You don’t need people who will dismiss you because of your atheism. They don’t deserve you :wink:


I guess it doesn’t help that I live in a pretty religious city :woman_facepalming:t2: :joy: but I have experienced this and it’s sad. I respect how people want to live their lives. It’s just not for me you know? But I guess the word atheist comes off scary? To some? One of my good friends is a Christian and I haven’t told her I’m an atheist because I’m afraid she will get distant :woman_shrugging:t2: Just something I was thinking about this morning


Over here it doesn’t matter either, although up country we do have a bible belt of our own too. It shouldn’t matter. You are you and you are fine as you are :hugs:.


Yes, I have experienced that here in the Bible belt of the Southern US. One of the first questions in most ‘getting to know you’ conversations is ‘which Church do you attend’…tho I think my tie dye often stops folks from asking …or word has gotten around our tiny town that we don’t attend.

Alternatively, I do have some great conversations with the woman who does my hair…she has a great gift for chatting on any topic and is a person who is interested in listening and learning people’s opinions on current topics…in a non judgmental way. She is a very devout religious person and believes we are in the end days…and she is interested in any and all topics and opinions on same. Fascinating!!!

The woman who run the organic food store here is also quite religious (attends the same Church as my salon friend) and she also is great at listening and communicating…they are both in businesses that complement their personal gifts.

Other folks, well, they kind of side eye me a lot or are just phony friendly (a true art form).


I love that you both have a level of respect for one another! That is honestly not what you see everyday and that is really great to hear :relaxed:

Have to love the phony ones :joy: also, love that you rock tie dye! :heart:

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Thank you @Mno ! :relaxed::relaxed: :black_heart::black_heart:

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I think that is totally your own call. And hey, it’s nice to see you around!!


We are all different and I wouldn’t view you as being hypocritical at all. I have atheist/agnostic friends who read the bible as a story book and leave it at that. If that makes sense? I think to each their own :relaxed: Glad to have you here!


That is such a shame, and they miss out on so much by discounting people based on beliefs. I wonder if they would feel the same if you were religious, but a different religion? Or whether it is fear of the lack of belief? It isn’t the same in Britain either. A lot of people have little opinion, they may have weddings and baptisms in church but they don’t necessarily believe.

I was genuinely shocked when I came here and saw the level of belief, and people saying they didn’t like atheists :sleepy:


I wouldn’t say so. I did a philosophy module at University and loved the philosophy of religion. The logic behind arguing God into existence was fascinating.


I live in Colorado Springs so it’s very very religious based here. There is literally a church at every corner :joy: but yes, I see what you’re saying. I have wondered the same and if being any other type of religion would be treated the same.


I guess it depends on how cultish or zealous religious people are. “Normal” religious people tend to understand people with other religions more easily than atheists. Muslims in general can welcome christians, on the notion that at least they believe in the one god. And vice versa. In my experience. Muslims in this country tend to vote for a christian political party and not for one of the secular ones. Until they got their own political parties that is which they now do.