Soberity is not easy

It’s almost 6 days running…I am feeling fresh today, but sometimes when I was used to taking weed , like traveling, before inter to home , before inter to campus I used to take cigarettes and weed, this time I am dealing difficulty… What should I do ?


That’s quite an achievement, almost a week, keep it up! I’m also dealing with weed addiction among others. I’m still struggling, and am now 24 days clean. What helps me most is showering cold in the morning and meditating daily. Also I often eat some chocolate or fruits or vegetables when craving and spend the money I’d used to buy drugs on food instead. I am not sure if that counts as eating my feelings so take this info with a grain of salt.

Exercise helps me a lot too. When in the gym or swimming I dont even want to smoke weed or use other drugs. And inform yourself on all the consequences of smoking weed: what it does to throat and lung (cancer), to the brain (aging faster) and to the mood (can cause anxiety and other mental illnesses)

But then again, I’m still addicted, and 24 days is very early sobriety, so I’m sure there are other, more recovered people on this forumy who have more useful tips. And try to have fun, because having fun in sobriety makes it much easier :slight_smile: