Sobriety dates

starting again, my new sobriety date is 12 + 12 = 24

I feel like I’m on a good trend this time. feeling really ready to be done and like I don’t want to drink for good this time. but also I really like the date and that it adds up! I know it’s stupid, but what other kind of silly reasons have you had for keeping a certain date?


Welcome @LVvvvvV!
Hope you have more of an action plan. A silly date alone is not enough to keep me sober. Mine is 9/19/19 but getting sober that day had nothing to do with the date. I finally had enough and sought help. Now I like the number so I work my recovery every single day so it sticks.
Wishing you the best on your journey!


oh definitely have a full plan and know my triggers at this point. I’ve had months of sobriety in the past and am ready to go for years this time. i know a date won’t be enough but it is fun to have that cherry on top.


The date i got sober hasnt changed because i had the desire and was willing to make the effort, hopefully you find a good program to continue your journey ,wish you well


Its definitely a great date to get sober. Not becaise it adds up but it great to be sober.
My date is the day after my ex-husband birthday. But it was wasnt the reason for me. @Ray_M_C_Laren said it best. My date is what it is and has been for the last 14 years becaise I have the desire and I am willing to go to any lengths to stay sober today just as desperately as I did on 12/12/10.


Welcome to the community! Great sober date! I love the math behind it too :wink:

How are you doing so far? We are here to help you if you need any support. Keep stacking up the days and remember that you will not have to go through the initial withdrawals as you stack up the days of sobriety :muscle:


It makes me think often. I was always so determined to never drink again. Not the upcoming week for sure. Not today and tomorrow as I have some cycling planned. Not today. Not even today was something in could manage while doing the groceries after work.
I can only now with some days stacked up say that this was and hopefully is the last night I drank. I didn’t plan the date. It was one of the never again usual nights for me. Maybe and probably a bit more devastated and exhausted and frustrated and desperate than the nights before.