Sobriety for the longest

Well bloody hell I’ve got to double digits 10 days with no alcohol I haven’t done that for a while fuckin proud of myself lol however anxiety is still ruling me but hey ho it’s better than being a fucked up mess :rofl:


Amazing work! :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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Double digits is a big milestone victory! Congrats :slight_smile:

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Keep adding it up, 1 day at a time. Congratulations

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Oh my goodness - that is AMAZING! I knew you could do it! Awesome, awesome, awesome! Yep, sober anxiety is better than loaded anxiety. And my experience has been that my anxiety gets better and better the longer that I’m sober.

I hope you are feeling a lot of pride in your 10 days. I know I’m proud of you! Keep up the great work.:heart:

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Yeah on the double digits!! It took a bit of time before my anxiety felt lighter, so be gentle with yourself along the way. Great job!!


10 days is awesome! Congratulations! I have watched my daughter suffer with anxiety and know how hard it was for us to find the right care and medication for her to feel normal. I hope the anxiety passes soon for you.

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That’s awesome! You are kicking ass girl! I’m pretty sure my anxiety relented a bit, but I think I also got a million times better at dealing with it. I still get it often and I just tell it to fuck off and stop paying attention. It goes away pretty quickly. Haha, way too much practice with it in those first 4 months or so. It was always one Xanax after the next until it went away, so when I got clean I was pretty screwed. But now I just make it my bitch and go on with my day.

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That’s so amazing! I’ve seen how hard it was to get past the first days, you should be very proud of yourself,what a victory! Anxiety gets better as days pass, just hang on in there.

Oh dear me I had a relapse on Monday afternoon was drinking up until last night I feel so shitty now x

Have you considered AA, SMART, women for sobriety or rehab?

I’m waiting to go into rehab the end of this month or beginning of September x


That’s a good call. They will also help you set up your aftercare and get you meeting schedules and other resources

Congrats beautiful :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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Best thing I’ve done

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Thankyou hunny xxx

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