Sobriety goal

Today makes one year sober. Cant believe I made it .so many struggles I conquered and still learning how to cope with life. with each day it becomes easier but I still have to beaware of not falling back in the same routine.


A year is amazing!

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Congratulations!!! AMAZING feat :smiley::muscle::raised_hands:

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Congrats!!:tada: keep up the good work!

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So happy for you!!

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Congratulations!! Thats great. Keep going one day at a time and you’ll be 2 years before you know it :v:

Thanks for sharing with all of us what a wonderful accomplishment!

awesome! congratulations! :grinning:

Congratulations!! Very inspirational!


Congratulations!!! It is an amazing feeling getting to 1 full year, but you’re very right to be cautious and proud. It can be so easy to fall back into unhealthy habits. Soo happy for you and rooting for you!!!