Sobriety having negative impact on marriage

Im in day 8 of quitting drinking. I have been very proud on myself for not touching alcohol at all. Ive been more productive and healthy overall. More patient with my kids (most of the time). However I have noticed im super irritable when it comes to my husband. I asked for his support which he said I had and he hasnt drank either (to show support). Im not sure if its just because Im irritable from not drinking or if its because im sober that I notice these things more and they bother me. (Not helping around the house, not packing his lunch so I have to pack up our 2 year old in bad weather to take him lunch etc.). My main focus is my health right now so i need him to not depend on me so much for this crap. Im genuinly worried now that being sober may actually hurt my marriage. Not that id choose my marriage over my health and sobriety. Anyone else ever experience this?


Yes absolutely and I’m finding that it’s quite common from what I’m reading… In my situation it’s not what I’d like it to be but it’s much better than it used to be… :blush: My husband never said he was gonna quit drinking and I didn’t ask or demand him to… That’s up to him… The longer I’m sober the more I’m noticing my flaws… By working on those area’s it’s resolving a lot of issue’s… I’m also noticing where he truly is supportive and where he could maybe use a little work on his part… I’d say it takes time and effort from both… A lot of it is my perception vs reality… That is changing with me as I learn this sober life… :neutral_face:

Could you maybe pack his lunch the night before or is your husband maybe struggling too and perhaps just wants to visibly see you and your 2 year old because it gets him through his day??? You don’t have to answer that on here but it’s definitely worth taking a minute to ask yourself because I’m finding a lot of stuff I’m mad at him about is easily resolved by just spending time together (when we’re not being ugly to each other which is also hard because I’m try to stay sober) and working those issues out… :blush: I used to fly right to thinking stuff like this was always him controlling me but in many cases it’s just a matter of him wanting me there even if it’s just me watching him work so he will have somebody to talk to and spend time with which puts me behind at times… Crazy yes but very true… I’m MY case… :neutral_face::joy::blush:

It is probably a combination of both.

But I would say that after 8 days it is FAR too early to be having deep thoughts on your marriage. Right now just focus on you and your sobriety. You may find over the next months or year that your husband starts doing a lot more around the house…especially if he is not drinking himself.



I find a honest chat set some new boundaries new you new boundaries,I read alot about a shift in a relationship when you get some soberity days keep working on it these things useally have a way of working theme out

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hey… did u have to go away to a detox? was your husband drinking frequently as well? it’s great you have energy 8 days in and your being productive. maybe give it a few more days and see if the same pattern persists if so jus have a talk with him and tell him how you feel. stopping any substance usually makes us irratable over ever little thing… good luck!! hang in there

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I know what you mean. My wife still drinks and she supports me in my sober journey. And I too have noticed she never puts anything away! Or rinse the dirty cat food spoon! Or make the coffee! Or a bunch of other little irritating things. But also since I’m sober I realize these things have always been happening and now that I’m sober I realize they are no big deal. With me it’s just stupid little things and my kids are grown up and gone. As I become more sober I notice I have more patience and flexibility and things don’t bother me as much. Keep up the good work. And talk it out with your spouse when you can.

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I did not. My drinking wasnt that bad i guess some would say. Which is why some friends were surprised cuz they didnt see any issue. But I was drinking for the wrong reasons sometimes n thats what I want to tackle. I am very irritable…my irritability irritates me. Lol. I plan to try and talk to him about this. Thank you.

My ex threw me out because of my drinking and i stopped a couple of weeks later havnt had a drink since , her boyfriend moved in it must have been love they have been married 32 years now lol

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Yeah i cant wait to get past this ridiculous sensitivity to stressors

This might be helpful to learn about:


And this
How it works physical - Roadmap to recovery

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PAWS is FOR REAL!! Its pain, its suffering, its HARD work but its worth it. They claim the longer you used the harder paws can be. They come and go mostly around the 30, 60, 90 days ect. If you had multiple addictions(for me meth and booze) then its a double whammy. I had almost a week in major depression state, longing to get f-ed up, cold and hot flashes, sleeping 15 +hours a day and still exhausted. However…I made it thru it. Thank God!! I kept “playing my tape forward” as to how life would look if I relapsed and its not a pretty ending. Paws is real, and easier once you understand what it is. Xoxo