Sobriety in Movies

Hi all,
For a while now I’ve been wanting to do a deep dive and possibly some videos on movies from a sober perspective. So wanted to ask you all what movies have hit you differently now that you’re on a sober journey?

They don’t have to be about sobriety , alcohol use disorder or any drug rehab directly. They could use allegory for it or just hit on notes that you have felt through your sober journey.

Here are some examples that have hit me recently to get us started.

The Worlds End (cornetto to trilogy)
This deals with alcoholism straight out and would carry a strong trigger warning to anyone newly in sobriety.

The lead character Gary king (played by Simon peg) reunites his old friends to recreate a bar crawl they went on at the end of high school. Where his friends have all moved on Gary is stuck in the alcohol fuelled fantasy of the pub crawl and his youth being the high point of his life.

Dr Jekelle and Mr Hyde
Whilst not directly about alcohol this story follows a mild mannered scientist who devised a formula to make him more attractive, stronger and more confident.
It in fact turns him into a monster who attacks and abuses his friends and family and causes irreparable damage leaving him with no memory of what happened whilst he was under the influence of the potion.
Sound familiar?

Suddenly 30

In this the main character (played by Jennifer garner) jumps from being a fun loving kid to a 30 year old.
Whilst being a little far fetched for a traditional black out, the magic realism of this story made me think about how I look back on my time drinking and how it turned me into someone I really didn’t like. When I tried to remember how I got to where I was, I either had no memory or unreliable memories to go on.
She expresses in the film the desire to go back and change things, but realises the only way to make real change is by fixing things now and moving forward. a feeling I’m sure we are all familiar with.

So those examples aside, what movies have made you reflect on your sober journey and why?

Thanks for reading

Weather you’re on day 1 or 1000 I’m proud of you for being here.



A Star Is Born, hit me so hard, I found it so relateable, and knew if I carried on that would have been me. I sobbed for the first time in years and was still sobbing 30mins after the credits were rolling! I havent cried since and this was summer 2021.

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Oh man,

That movie hit me hard too, haven’t been able to bring myself to watch it again since. I tear up just thinking about it.

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