Sobriety is getting me through tough times

Im nearly a year sober and in good health but my head has once again turned on me. The obsession for drink and drugs left me early in recovery but my mind and my thinking is trying to put me back into the headspace in which i used substances in the first place. It is such a horrible place to be but AA and the higher power is helping me in my everlong struggle for peace of mind. Although some days feels like im fighting a losing battle, through asking members for help and praying to God as I understand him it passes. Ive got a sponser and im going to go through the 12 steps as best as i can and keep fighting this fatal disease that has claimed the lives of too many good people. I dont want to be another statistic on a page of alcohol or drug related deaths and instead live my life to the fullest if God wills it. I will be 22 in a few weeks and my life is just getting started. I hope this message might reach someone who is struggling or someone who is trying to find the way back. Peace :peace_symbol: :v:


Stick at it, my little brother was 26 when he got home drunk went to cook and fell asleep then gas blast and we buried him shortly after, you have your whole life ahead of you so make sure you have the best life you can.


These words help me 🫶🏻


Congratulations! And God bless you! Good for you on quitting so young you’re gonna enjoy so much more of your life! Keep up the good work!


Its great you are sober so young! Great work!

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Welcome!! Such a beautiful testament to your self love at a young age!! I love your headline…Sobriety is getting me through tough times…this is so true for me as well right now and I literally teared up a little reading it. So thank you for sharing. :heart:

Be well and keep doing what works for you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the responses it means alot :peace_symbol::heart:

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Thank you for that i will definitely be reading this alot :peace_symbol::heart:

Thank you :heart:

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Recovery dharma, if it resonates then give the meetings a go. There are lots online . Hour long, group meditation……have made a huge difference to my mind set 🫶🏻🙏🫶🏻

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