Sobriety is NOT a competition…(read that again!)


Yaaaas. We only have one day at a time.


Exactly. This is what I try to tell ppl all the time. 24 hours is a MASSIVE fucking deal!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Don’t let anyone tell you it isn’t.


I have an AA friend who inspired my screen name. She says “I’ve been sober since I woke up this morning”.


I was so anxious about what would happen after 24 hours, 72 hours, 1 week, without my friend, the bottle. Then I got to 1 month and realised that this was not a friend at all, just a wolf in sheepskin that had been eating me alive, gnawing at the very essence of my life. I now savour every milestone. 1 year 3 months.


Love that. Stealing it, lol.


Amazing how your perspective changes when the poison slowly seeps our of your brain. A miracle is what it is!


I would like to add that we start every day new when we wake up. And this 24 hours is all everybody on earth has. So this are the most important 24 hours to built and live a good life. Living it sober is a great deal and something we addicts can be grateful for every morning, evening and inbetween :pray:


Yes this is very true i guess as addicts we have a tendency of putting ourselves down wether we feel we deserve it or not so saying “only” is minimising our achievements so we dont put our head above the rest and get chopped down.
Im gonna try stop saying it im 42 days and proud :sunglasses::muscle:


All we truly have is this moment, the present. :gift: Happy to be sober right now.


I like this. I want us all to win our battle for today. We are all fighting the same battle so let us be victorious for today. Tomorrow will sort itself out


I like this

Sobriety is life saving
It’s not a game and we only have today also


I go to various types of AA meetings and there’s one that doesn’t acknowledge or celebrate milestones. Their reasoning is the person with the most sober time is the one that woke up the earliest that day. I like that thought process, everyone in that meeting is on the same level, working their recovery 24 hours at a time.


I love this! It’s also my thought process on it that has worked for me. Part of why my day counter is running but not something I look at very often. :heartpulse:


This sounds like a very relieving, non-stressing approach to me. Thanks for sharing it!


Exactly. Sobriety isn’t just some game or competition, it’s about working with yourself and importantly accepting and helping yourself. :two_hearts:


The only person I am competing against in sobriety is me. I’m the only one who can say yes or no to the drink that matters…the first drink. It’s not about how many hours or days I have sober compared to everyone else. It’s about how I get through the hours and days without drinking.


I’m definitely guilty of this. I feel aggrieved that I could be 2 years and 3 months sober by now, instead of 2 months and 4 days. I don’t think I’m going to be able to let that go until I have my first year of sobriety done. I know it my heart and soul that every single day matters. I’m just annoyed with myself because it seemed so much easier the first time. I wasn’t nearly as triggered as I am this time around. If I’d stayed sober th first time around, I might be able to deal with a day like today a lot better.

I am not going to relapse today, but I admit to being very triggered. My father died 6 years ago today, and in early July my mother will be gone 9 years. I don’t even know how to verbalise how much I miss them, and how I still feel the massive void they have left behind in my life. In the past I would have numbed out these feelings with alcohol, hence feeling triggered today.

Today, I’ve prayed my rosary and prayed for my father. The day(s) they both died still haunts me. I’m not feeling incredibly strong right now, but if I have to pray all day and all night I will do that instead of picking up a drink.

I get it. Every day sober matters. Particularly because some of those days are a lot harder than others.


My heart goes out to you @Binx as you are dealing with these anniversaries. Stay close to the forum and share your grief so you arent in it alone :heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:


I appreciate this so much, thank you :pray::heart:

I will keep checking in xx