Sobriety milestone rewards

I’m thinking that I need a bit more of a :carrot: approach to sobriety… like attaching rewards to reaching milestones as well as breaking down big goals into smaller imcrents to help keep the momentum. Has anyone else tried this?

I’m on day 24, but think I need a small reward for hitting 25 as I’ve hit a bit of a rough patch. Here’s what I’ve got so far, please chime in - I’m a bit stuck after the first few.
25 days: plant, 1 month: another plant, 5 weeks: massage, 6 weeks: hair cut, 50 days: movie out, 2 months…


Reward is good. You can see the money saved count up on your timer. Why not buy yourself something special with the money saved? Though I personally would go big. Jewelry. Electronics. Trip. LOL That’s me. Nothing is done small.

But at the same time, I got my 1 month chip at the AA meeting I went to. I think that cheap little coloured piece of plastic mean the most to me right now. I’m excited to earn my 2 month one in a few weeks!!


First of all, congratulations on your 24 days! Closing in on a month. Feels good, huh?

In terms of rewards, there are the perks inherent to being sober. You get to enjoy these EVERY day that you choose not to drink, not just at milestones: remembering what you say/do, no more hangovers, able to fulfill obligations effectively, you become a better friend and family member, no more sneaking around, no more flip-flopping on your decision to drink or not drink. To sum it up – no more bullshit. There are more rewards in this vein, and they all culminate in one thing: peace! Peace of mind, peace in your life. These are the rewards I like best.

In terms of material rewards – I don’t do this anymore, but for the first few months, I would give myself a gift of $50 to go spend at the record store (record collecting is a hobby of mine). When I get 1 year, I plan on buying one of my favorite records, which is rare and relatively pricey ($200+).
So, maybe consider some hobbies you have and how you can reward yourself in that regard – spending money on new stuff geared towards those hobbies. You get the pleasure of buying a gift for yourself, and you embrace your hobbies a bit more, keeping you away from drink/drugs. Win/win.


I like the idea of treating yourself to a reward, it also helps you to see how much $ you are saving by not using. I know when I was using I would never have $, pills are so expensive…but now I can reward myself and still have $, instead of spending it all on stupid ass drugs

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Those are great rewards! On my 100 days I bought this app instead of using the free version :joy:small but it was meaningful to me.


I don’t reward myself. I always used to use alcohol as a reward but Id reward myself for waking up so this mentality does not work for me and I had to get out of it so regular rewards is out. I do have 1 plan though for my 365 day milestone which is to buy my favourite guitar but thats a long way off yet.


Rewards are good, they helped me in early sobriety. I would do things like going for coffee with a friend, like Costa or something like that. Two months was flowers I don’t need to do that now as my attitude towards milestones has changed , now it’s just another day to me, but the reward system can ne a great motivator especially if it is a visual aid


Good job! On a positive note you are saving lot’s of $$$$. So therefore can afford to treat yourself to nice milestone rewards. Congratulations!!

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So true! I love looking at the $ saved stats. I was going through a rough patch there and needed to give myself some incentives. I ended up celebrating at a lounge over some kava with a friend where we cheered our weird coconut mugs at exactly the time I hit 30 days. I’m a total :nerd_face:

The only reward I can think of for myself right now is some Overtone hair conditioner. It’s a small thing but I don’t know what how long of a date to set for myself in terms of avoiding emotional eating. If I make it too short a goal, I’ll likely feel guilty. learning to be kind to yourself is such a huge part of being addiction free and but so hard to do.