Social media sabotage

JOMO…I LOVE THAT! thank you for your feedback.


I deleted my social media for that specific reason. I don’t want to see people drinking especially my friends and going out having fun. For all I know they are bored as hell behind that screen but since I’m early in my sobriety I would like to not even see it for a bit until I can control myself more. Thank you for your feedback!!!


Oh the social media :neutral_face:
I deleted my Twitter and Second Life accounts yesterday bc both played a huge role in me relapsing. I still have Instagram and TikTok bc friends and me like to share Memes and silly stuff there.
I might delete those too, I’ll watch how it affects me.


I’m a big social media user. Mostly Instagram and Facebook. I’d be lost without the support I get on these platforms and also on Strava.

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I share your point of view completely

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I got rid of social media a couple years ago, partly maybe because I was getting sober but mostly because doonscrolling and listening to people sniping at each other sucks. Literally the only thing I actually miss is the local event suggestions from Facebook, because they were pretty well tailored to my tastes and had access to pretty small local/niche groups. It once suggested one of the best afternoons of my life (for which of course I was mildly hungover): Glassblowing introductory class with shelter puppies to play with while I waited for my turn at the furnace. Eventbrite is ok, but I haven’t been able to find anything that amazing since I ditched fb.


I find Facebook, Instagram and Strava so helpful to me, mainly s all my friends and supporters on on those platforms and they have given my nothing but encouragement.
I love going through the reels on Instagram as I’ve recently started training karate again, and it’s awesome watching the black belts.
If there are negative things in something, surely there are positive too?
But, you do what is best for you, always!

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I find that social media can be a bit of a “double-edged sword” topic. It can be used for good purposes, but it can also be used for bad reasons too.

Personally speaking, I’ve cut back on the amount that I use social media since I became sober. I’ll occasionally still use it to post updates, or to check on friends sporadically, but on the whole, I’ve found that I’m using it a lot less nowadays based on my clear frame of mind.

I’ve deleted a lot of people from social media, and I attempt to surround myself with likeminded people, or those who at least understand my situation. One thing I’ve found that I have no time for as I age is negativity.


For me it’s not fomo it’s the fakery and “likes” culture.

Everyone has filters on their photos despite bleating about unrealistic media portrail of women etc. It’s like everyone wants to look the same way.

90% of posts are shiny fake self promotion.

Sitting with a drink in your hand is not interesting.

Blah!!! I hate it! Especially as I am forced to use Facebook to follow certain groups, to find out when events are. Urghhh.


I deleted Facebook and feel great. I still use Instagram but mostly to look for funny or uplifting content.


Ha! I almost liked this post and fell right into your trap. :wink: