Socially introverted

It’s definitely taken me a few years off and on the sobriety merry go round to come to this realisation 🥲
Each time I give myself a chance to exist outside of alcohol again, I learn something new.
I have spent a lot of time in sobriety feeling like I lost my ability to socialise because I didn’t have alcohol.
But I can cope quite happily and we’ll doing things that make me happy- socialising at parties or in large groups just doesn’t make me happy. Stresses me tf out haha.
Yeah I’m in Perth- aaaallll alone in WA. Haha.


I’m in Perth too!!! :astonished:
I had to check as I know there’s a couple around the world :relaxed:

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You’re not alone. I remember in middle school I really liked hanging out with big groups of people, but in high school something changed. I felt like an outsider. I felt really awkward and uncomfortable at parties and in large groups. Both my husband and I are more introverts. We have two weddings to go to in August and we are both already feeling a bit anxious about it. To be honest, I find so many people are just so fake and I don’t like being around it. I have a few good friend that I feel like I can really be myself with and that’s all I need.


My husband and I recently went to a party… and we both sat in a corner chilling, eating snacks, attempting to make conversation with people, until eventually we shrunk away from the evening fairly early and went home to hang out. It’s actually much more of a relief being around someone else who is pretty introverted. It’s slowly made me realise I don’t have to be a certain way around other people, or feel ashamed that I’m not comfortable in groups. It’s taken being sober to realise it completely, I guess because I’m sitting with all my feelings haha.


Holy crap, that’s awesome. I do feel like I’m on a little isolated planet here in Perth! So cool to meet a local on here :blush:
I’d be really helpful to know if you have connected with any good support groups/meetings here. I don’t feel like there’s a huge amount in WA, but as you can see from this post, hunting social gatherings isn’t my strong suit.

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This post has surprised me too. I didn’t really consider there are so many people in the same boat. It’s really comforting to know I am not alone.
I think I felt for quite some time, especially with social media, that I needed to be rich in social catch ups, and friends. And when I follow what makes me feel good and spend more time on my own, the more I was starting to feel like I was lacking something. Or watching a social world I didn’t belong in just sail past me.
So it’s really great to hear there are a lot of us choosing our own company. It’s not such a scary thing after all.


I relate.

My social circle has become really small since I quit drinking. I don’t have anything in common with most of my old friends.

I prefer to stay home work and on my art instead hanging out with people. I love the outdoors. I prefer solitude on my outdoor adventures. Most people cant keep up, or distract me from becoming one with nature.


I hear you, this could be me :orange_heart:
Without alcohol I’m pretty shy with new people and quickly feel uncomfortable. I like one - to - one talks, I’m really bad in smalltalk and I like company, but not too much :blush:
People like us are perfectly ok :pray:


I’ll pm you later :ok_hand:

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No way. You’re just an introvert. Same thing happened with Pete Steele, and it really was his downfall. Embrace who you are. Just because we live in an extrovert society, doesn’t mean being an introvert is bad. I’m one too, and strongly introverted (there’s a spectrum). I know just what you mean

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I’m exactly in the same boat as you. I’m definitely an introvert and it’s ok with me. I’m comfortable in my own skin and actually like myself! Lol! I didn’t like me before I became clean and sober. And to be honest I’m really not a people person. I’ve been clean and sober for 8 years now, so the program does work.