Solanine's story

I am new to this app and this is my story.
Last year I became addicted to crystal meth, and I have been successfully sober for around 6 months. However, i have been occasionally smoking weed and snorting cocaine since then. I also have been drinking alcohol since the age of 14 and I have been smoking cigarettes since the age of 16. I have recently picked up an hhc vape that i also use from time to time.
Anyhow I want to try and stop all of these addictions at the same time as I have started to work hard on my fitness goals, by eating well and exercising.
I thought of using this community tab in order to keep myself accountable from now on.
This is day 1 of documenting my sobriety journey.
Thank you if you read all that.
I wish everyone the very best!!


Welcome to the group Solanine. I hope that you’ll find this place as helpful as I have.


This is me promising to myself to keep being sober.
If i keep my promise I will edit this and add: “I kept my promise.” at the end ot the day :slight_smile:

Edit: I kept my promise


welcome @Solanine im so excited for you and your commitment to living a better life. sobriety is more than worth everything it takes to maintain. sometimes it takes a little extra support, and i’m so grateful that you found a fantastic community for that right here. cheering you on sister we got this :raising_hand_woman:t2::muscle:t4::dancer:t2:


Congratulations on such a great decision. I’m happy to hear that you’re doing this for yourself. Take it one day at a time. We’re all rooting for you.


Welcome! Keep at it; it’s worth every second. If you struggle, come on here and talk to us. This is a great, supportive community.


Wow thank you so much for your kind words!!

I wish you the very best <3


That’s a great idea!!
The moment i feel the temptation I will just let you amazing creatures know before i do anything.
Even these few minutes could do the trick :slight_smile:


I feel very grateful to exist in this wonderful community.
I think that yeah I have to leave some people behind if i want to remain sober, so that is something that I should actually you know do lol
Anyhow, as you said, we got this!!!:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Thanks for reminding me!
We got the update up just now :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the warm welcoming
I am sure this community is going to really help me in my sobriety! <3


Super glad to have you here
Sending you virtual hugs @Looking4Support

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Day 3 of me promising to myself to keep being sober.
If i keep my promise I will edit this and add: “I kept my promise.” at the end ot the day

Edit: I kept my promise :slight_smile:


Thank you @Looking4Support
I appreciate all the support <3

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I feel extremely grateful for being here with you @lorelai


Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Looking forward to seeing your updates.

This is a great supportive community to be a part of. Take some time to read around the threads and join in when you feel comfortable. :people_hugging:


Thank you so much for having me here!
I am very happy and grateful that I get to be surrounded by so many amazing people
I do enjoy reading the threads, although i don’t always reply to them.
Take care :slight_smile:


Day 4 of me promising to myself to keep being sober.
If I keep my promise I will edit this and add: “I kept my promise.” at the end ot the day

Edit: I kept my promise


Have a great sober day Solanine!

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Hello from Toronto,…good on ya for wanting too make personal change…Be well on your journey :slight_smile:

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