Caution: This is going to be a bit gross, yet true.
I was looking at a crimescene clean up page earlier that popped up in my instagram filter. Not sure why some humans have a fascination with crime scenes but we do.Anywho,this page is where they show you after the bodies are taken away and what they see afterwards and a few were caused by drinking.
Literally one persons insides were melting from drinking too much over the years and they had bled out in bed out of both ends…This scared the crap out of me.
We are literally poisening ourselves and if we dont pass away from that there are other ways our addiction will take us.
I dont mean to scare anyone into sobriety, but it definetly put a scary persepective on the reality and consequences of addiction.
Today is Day 98. 1 day and a half from triple digits. Everyday I think about drinking even though I know the consequences and after seeing that, It makes me feel a bit of insanity for thinking about drinking again.