Someone help, Need huge advice!

I need advice, People whose drug of choice was heroin/fentanyl, How long did you have to wait before you could take your subutext or suboxone? I have a subutext to start out and I’ve heard a lot of stuff like as long as it’s 6+ hours it’s fine because subutext is different, But I’ve also heard to still wait the 12-16 hours, I need some personal advice…
(People who did it cold turkey, Congratulations but I’m unable to due to seizures, I’m doing a short term sub tapper, NOT long term. It’ll be okay.)

@Donnie_Spiering is pretty good with stuff like this. I don’t know the exact time frame. But I did use sub years ago to get off dope. I’d say wait as long as u can. And I’d remind you that you are not supposed to take enough to “feel it”. Just enough to not die. Small, small doses pal will do the trick😉

If you have subutex then you should be fine to take it after or before taking opiates or suboxone. Suboxone on the other hand has naloxone . Which is the drug that helps block opiates and will cause precipitated withdrawls. What mg do you plan to start on? I recommend taking as little as possible to get by. No more then 4mg a day should be fine. as im sure the doc is recommending 16mg a day which is over kill and not helpping at all.

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My strategy was always wait until I was dopesick before taking anything.

Im just so scared… I don’t want to go into pws. I was going to try 2mgs at a time. …

Then there’s no harm in waiting until you are sick before taking it just to be safe. No matter what you are going to have to go through it before you can get clean. We all had to lol.

No y’all lol, I plan on going into withdrawal and being sick first silly, I just didn’t know how long to wait AFTER I felt sick, I know with suboxone you have to wait longer… But would 16-17 hours be long enough before a subutext…

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Yeah you should be good if you have medium withdrawal symptoms. I’ve taken them as early as 8 hours and didn’t go into precip. It really just depends on how dopesick you are.