Im so close to smoking a cigarette
Im mad… im sad…
What’s triggering you? Why do you want to smoke right now?
My wife got upset with me on a very difficult day at work
And what, in your mind, would a cigarette help you with? What positive would it bring? Would it make your wife less upset or your work day any easier?
I feel like itll help my mood
It would make her mad but my workday easier i believe
It will not. It will make you feel like a failure because you will have smoked after 162 days. What will make you feel better is to address the stuff that causes your problems. Why is your wife upset with you and what can you do about it? I’m sure she won’t be happy with you because you’ll have smoked. And how to improve your work day? It won’t be by smoking.
You’re an addict like us all. Giving in to our addictions will make everything worse. Always. I’m reminded of a guy here who recently celebrated his 90 days of sobriety by using a gram of fentanyl and 3 grams of crystal meth. Addiction’s logic.
@mno Menno has given some great advice. I hear that u had a rough day and that ur wife is upset. Im sorry ur feeling this way Smoking WILL make things worse. Remind urself of why u quit in the first place. What were ur reasons? Id love to hear them.
How u are feeling WILL pass friend. Take a deep breath, and another one. Pause for a second and dont react. Dont make a big decision (like having a smoke) based on temporary emotions. You have come SO far! Dont let ur emotions have that kind of power over you, to where u break ur streak.
Im still nic free
I just need to let the emotions pass
Thank you
Way to go! Thats how u do it ride the emotions like a wave and let them pass. This too shall pass
Day 163 nic free
Yesterday me sbf my wife got into a fight over a dirty coffee pot. She thought it was dirty, i thought it was fine
Then at work my normal routien was tough because the night be4 was behind
Right after
i got asked to go outside to do grocery carts on a cold rainy day (not my job, someone called in late) and i was way under dressed
Then i had to clean upba blood spill
The coffee at work was made like dark water
Then i tried going home early and the whole family got mad at me
I cried infrunt of my grampa in law
Then i stayed at work and came here
The sdvice saying it wouldnt make anything better was what kept me away. I wanted it to but it would gave made the day worse
So that was my day yesterday lol
163 nic free today
The strength to overcome comes from within, but the fuel for the journey is found in the love of those closest to you. For them, and for yourself, keep moving forward.
That is deep and inlove that
I ust to call that
A method to the madness
I like yours more