Sometimes I feel like my friends aren't really friends

I just need to vent because I don’t know where else to go I’m very distraught right now I just I’m trying to stay calm and not do something that I would regret. A little over 2 years ago I escaped domestic violence and my abuser ended up moving on to another victim. things happened where she ended up in the hospital because of him and now he’s in prison. so I have a friend that lives out in California that My abuser and I met while we were out in California back in 2022. This friend thought it would be a good idea to send me a screenshot of my abuser’s charges as to why he’s doing at least 45 years in prison right now. lo and behold one of the charges is an animal abuse charge and it turned out that he ended up killing one of the pets the girl after me had. I’m very distraught right now because I got a cat when I was still with my abuser and I just I’m so glad that I gave my cat to my current boyfriend while I went into treatment for my addiction because if he ever hurt my cat or killed my cat I would be in prison right now. It makes me so sad. I survived a serial killer. I was engaged to a serial killer. and I don’t know how to cope with it right now. I’m going to go into a virtual meeting here in a couple minutes and just talk about it and share about it because it’s really upsetting me and I’m not really triggered to use because it’s not going to make any situation better but I’m just really upset because I just couldn’t imagine like if he would have hurt my cat. I just couldn’t imagine him killing my cat and it’s just like I can’t believe at one point in my life I loved that guy but that’s what drugs will do to you I guess cuz that’s what they did to me. Thank you for letting me share about this any feedback is greatly appreciated. Im trying to do some calming breaths before I go on this meeting cuz I don’t want to be a crying mess.


All I can say is hugs, Rebecca :two_hearts:
I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you!
I hope today treats you kindly. You deserve it.

Breathing exercises always help me to calm my nerves. Even if just a little.
I also like to write certain things down, sometimes painful memories and then burn them. I find it extremely cathartic.


Welcome Rebecca!
Hope you’re feeling better now that you shared your struggles with us.
I’m really proud of you for getting out of that abusive relationship before it was too late. You’re a surviver!
I encourage you to stay in the present (easier said than done). You and your cat are both safe now and that’s a blessing. I hope knowing he’s in prison now brings you some closure. Maybe consider getting some professional help to cope with the past.
Wishing you the best on your journey!


Sounds like it triggered you because it took your mind back to the horror you were once living. Pray to your higher power that you are grateful to be safe and free from harm and ask for guidance in letting your pain go .Live in the joyous day you have now ,he can no longer spoil the present moment s you have any longer . Remember your beautiful caring soul sending you a big kiss and hug today :kissing_heart::people_hugging:


Welcome Rebecca.
Thats a horrific story. I’m glad you let it out here. And great idea sharing it at a meeting. As a cat lover. I have 4 it’s just unimaginable.

Deep breather. I’m learning to inhale the present moment and exhale the past. Over and over again. Every once and awhile.

I’m grateful you found us.