Songs that help you feel grounded

I am new here and 4 days free from alcohol. I am only 30 years old, but I have drank heavily for the last 16 years of my life. Looking forward to my 5 day milestone tomorrow.

My username comes from a song that has helped me stay positive and focused on changing for the better. It is called “Stand Like An Oak” by Rising Appalachia

I was wondering if you have a particular song that helps you? I am building a playlist and thought others might find this helpful too :blush:


Welcome!!! And congrats on your 4 days!!

Sober by Pink :heartpulse:

Coming Home by Diddy


Thank you!! So great to have a community to be a part of.


The Middle by Jimmy Eat World

It’s upbeat and I love the chorus line

It just takes some time
Little girl, you’re in the middle of the ride
Everything, everything’ll be just fine
Everything, everything’ll be alright, alright


I dont really have specific songs that ground me. I do find nature music/sounds off of the Insight Timer app to be really grounding and great for meditation (which also grounds me).


Fear by Blue October

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I’ve never seen or heard of Pink until I saw her on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert the other night. I mean I’ve heard the name but that’s all. I loved her straight away. I’ll check out that tune.
:pray: :heart:


She is pretty awesome.


I like that! Healing party is a great way to word it. :sparkling_heart:


Not Afraid by Eminem :heart:


Wicked Twisted Road - Reckless Kelly
Conversation With the Devil - Ray Wiley Hubbard
Nose to the Grindstone - Tyler Childers
Backslider Blues - Jason Boland
Hate Me - Blue October
Outfit - Drive By Truckers

Not the most upbeat tunes but they cut deep.


I like Johnny Cash, “Let you guns at home Bill”, and also Gospel Songs. Some of us support long walks to overtake cravings. I use to walk with Johnny Cash.

I do not want to break the language uniformity, but also consider an Italian singer that make me do my best in terms of quietness and meditation: Franco Battiato.

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I wanted to share this song with you, it’s giving me so much strength these days, some positive vibes for all of us, who struggle with our demons everyday :heart:

Enjoy. :people_hugging:. Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out - YouTube

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I like “Gravity” by Perfect Circle, which has the refrain: “I choose to live” in the chorus. I had to make a choice whether to continue my destructive path of alcoholism and possibly an early grave, or fully surrender myself to my Higher Power, heal, and live. Fortunately i chose the latter.


My favourites are always changing but at the moment I feel grounded with “Who are you this time” by Tom Waits … apparently he wrote it as a farewell song to alcohol

@mewmcmew I love that song!! It’s one of the songs I’ve been listening to when I feel bad since I was a teenager :sweat_smile:


Tom Waits has another song called “The Piano’s Been Drinking (Not Me)”. Not sure if it would make you feel grounded necessarily, but it is absolutely hilarious.


That’s a good one too! I do like a humorous take on alcoholism at times, Tom Waits does that really well

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I have a few more to add to this list…

Starting Over - Mackelmore
Stronger - Kelly Clarkson

One day at a time. Lets keep this playlist going! I really appreciate all of your suggestions. They have been so useful for maintaining daily focus.


Little Things by India.Arie


“Do Your Best and Don’t Worry” by Morrissey.
The message being don’t beat yourself up, don’t be so hard on yourself. Sample lyric: “The way you hang yourself is oh, so unfair.”

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