Sooooo bored

I just found out I had covid after my student tested positive, now I am stuck home and so bored! Trying to keep my mind busy so I don’t eat everything in the house :roll_eyes:


That sucks Andy. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Have you tried meetings online? It’s something to fill a little bit of your time while you’re stuck at home. I use but I’m sure there’s others. Here’s a link if you’re interested. Online meeting resources

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Sorry to hear about the diagnosis.

I had to laugh because I’m the same. If I’m bored and stuck in the house, I’m murdering the fridge.


Not funny for someone with a food addiction.


Sorry to hear about that. Quarantine is quite hard but I found that if I went to an online exercise class in the mornings it gave me something to get up for and I felt good after which made me less likely to eat too much. Also I downloaded a couple of quit lit books on kindle and I sorted out my cupboards. And then I was on here quite a bit. You have us all here for you my friend! Not long now and we can all think about getting back to normal. I’m defo going to get a vaccine as soon as I can (I know some don’t want it and that’s their choice but…) I never really appreciated freedom until now. Time for covid to just FECK OFF NOW!! Stay safe, don’t forget your gratitude and keep going chuck! :pray:t2::two_hearts:


It’s difficult I understand. But you could be shut up without a TV, a phone, books, films to watch, a house to clean, people to phone.
Now that would be boring!

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Thanks everyone! I am definitely grateful for my phone and TV! I’m also just so very thankful that all my family I visited on thanksgiving all tested negative :clap::pray: the hard part is I’m stuck in my room so I don’t expose my family, my doctor said I can go for walks or drives as long as I don’t interact with anyone so I can still get out a little. I’m such a people person and I hate missing work and church. But I’m grateful it’s only for a couple weeks and also super thankful that so far I’ve only had a mild case. :grinning:


Sending positive thoughts and healing your way :slight_smile: