I made this song for anyone that may need to hear this i hope someone enjoys this and shares this song with someone that may need to hear it
You’ve got some serious talent!!
Thank you very much
So i posted this already but im not sure if i did it right but i made this song for anyone thay may need to hear it i hope someone enjoys this song and shares it with many if you like the video let me know what you think i love to hear feedback as a thriving artist its much appreciated
‘Hallelujah in the highs ,Hallelujah in the lows’ love that
This is awesome, congratulations
i love it!! you’re awesome
Thank you soo much
Thank you im glad you enjoyed it
You misspelled Buddha
This was amazing- thanks for sharing.
No that’s actually the spelling of my name LOL
I do love your stuff! Thanks for sharing
Thank you soooo much im happy to share any song i feel will bring a smile or hope to anyone thank you all for your support
Wow another awesome song 🫨
Thank you sooo much thanking God everyday for another day clean and sober