Special occasion drink yes or no?

If your on this app,there’s no such thing as just one drink.
Just saying.


Well I can say, I was tempted to order a beer. I ordered a beer, in fact it was root beer! Temptation was high


It sounds like it’s coming out alright for you! I was wondering if your wife knows about your efforts at sobriety and whether she supports that. If the answers are yes and yes, I’d guess you wouldn’t have a tough time with your anniversary celebration.

Congrats on getting as far as you have, in your marriage and with your sober days!


Whats wrong with a soft drink ??? if you have drink problem . and if you decide to drink even one drink reset no brainer ,

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We actually went to one of our favorite Mexican places that had a bar. We sat on the far end away from the bar so I couldn’t see the drinks or beer taps. I kept wanting to order one and my wife looked at me and said no. Food was awesome and root beer was cold and crisp!


I think first and foremost you need to honestly asked yourself why you felt the need to download this app,if it was to stop drinking as it had became problematic in your life I’d say stick to a sparkling water,if you just want a break you need to be brutally honest to yourself and ask is 6 days ok for me,like sassy said there’s always going to be occasion, whatever you chose I hope you and your wife have a lovely evening

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Well said sassyrocks

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i havent read all the comments on this thread so i might be echoing someone elses thoughts but… you’re on a sobriety forum so most advice is going to be to never drink again and that advice is on every post here. so do you what you feel in your heart is the best choice for you. you having a drink will not make or break your wifes birthday. 100% guaranteed.

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Outstanding! You said “no” to the drink that matters…the first drink. When you say “no” to this drink, there can’t be a second or third or eighth, and you win, first round KO.


I pressed the reset button after 1 month sobriety because I had half a lager on a work trip. I did then walk away when they said they were moving proceedings to a cocktail bar, but by then the damage was done.

I am now 1 week clean. IMHO it would have been a ‘no’ in your case.


I’m a little late to this party and I’m happy to hear you chose the root beer, but for me as an addict, the answer is simple. It’s no for any occasion.

Being the stubborn ass that I am I had to learn from personal experience. I had over 550 days of sobriety and thought I had regained control over my life and alcohol. On a special occasion with my girlfriend at the time, also an addict, we decided we could celebrate with a drink, just one night.

Popped the cork on my favorite bottle of vodka and that special occasion lasted 2 1/2 years. I drank every day from that first drink for 2 1/2 more years. I assure you it was no party, no celebration, led me right back to the emptiness that caused me to get sober the first time.

So if happiness and living life is your goal, one drink is never worth the risk.

Just my opinion.

*My girlfriend also relapsed over and over again after that day.


I love this!


Ive got 8 months, all my former happy hour coworkers know. One asked me what I planned to do to celebrate my 1 year anniversary, I said Get Drunk. Got some chuckles. :slight_smile: That first drink is the deal breaker. We all know it wont stop there.


That is the exact scenario that broke my last stretch of sobriety. I’m not saying it won’t work for you, but I thought it wouldn’t creep up on me and it did … again.

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This utterly terrifies me. Reading people talking about how just ONE can derail us. I hate that I can’t be “normal”, and go out, have 2 or 3 drinks over an evening, not every hour for hours. It sucks being on this side watching others function with a relaxing drink with friends. I went to a restaurant/sports bar with my mom for lunch and had iced tea with lunch and hot tea with dessert. Curiously, I felt incredibly empowered at that moment, with my tea in a sports bar. Instead of trying to be “one of them” again, where I feel so comfortable, I looked at it as potentially inspiring for someone else silently struggling. Day 28. I am being incredibly mindful of messing up. Scary.