Spelled my name wrong!

Does anyone know how I can respell my name?
I spelled it Quakers (like oatmeal) and I meant Quackers like a duck!
I’m so dumb.



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I tagged a mod for you, they can change names :slight_smile:

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I’m old.
Very NOT computer savvy
What’s a mod?
What’s a tag?
I’m sssoooo old.
My tablet said all notification but it wouldn’t allow me to click allow.
Please be patient with me.


A moderator is another user who has been given the power to help others by changing names, removing accounts of people who are assholes and hiding posts that break the rules.
A tag is when you do an @ and then their username, for example @Quackers. As you can see Sassyrocks has already changed your name.

A mod is shorthand for a moderator. I am one of the active moderators on the forum. Moderators help keep the forum running smoothly.

Tag is when you add an @ before someone’s name like @Quackers and then you will get a notification letting you know someone was asking or replying or commenting to you.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!

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Thank you!!!
Quack! Quack!!!

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Beat ya :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :grin:

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You’re very welcome

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Goodbye Quaking



Ha Ha Ha!!!
Made my day!!!

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Oh dear!!!
Man, that’s really Quackers!