Spiritual growth

I havent posted in awhile but hello community and i pray for striving amongst us all. I want to thank God and the holy spirit for letting me know they’re still with me when i start to get discouraged and want to use. After 20 years of sabotaging my own growth in life and recovery i finally asked God to remain with me through this journey as i remain with him. :pray:


Good luck and stay strong on your journey! We’re all here if you need us

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Happy for you. It sounds like your heart is moving in a constructive direction :innocent:

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Thank you Matt. I see you replying to a number of us and i feel you could be a great accountability partner

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Thank you so much mimezombie!

Thank you, that is very kind of you to say, I appreciate it :pray:

At the moment I am unfortunately not in a position where I can take on an accountability partner commitment, so I can’t help you in that way, but I will be a cheerleader on posts!

There are lots of good members here who can help you as an accountability partner. Keep searching and keep interacting and you will find some :slightly_smiling_face:

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You’re the best! Thank you

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