Sponsor Needed ASAP Lubbock Tx

Hello I’m currently 95days sober again but this is the 3rd time I’ve been sober but this is also where I usually slip away and relapse I don’t want to do it anymore and I really need a sponsor I’m in Lubbock Tx


Welcome! 2 things came to mind. First, coming here and being active will really help you. It saved my life. Second, when I was at 90 days I fealt the exact same way. Easiest way to get a sponsor. Google AA meetings near me…and go!


It’s highly unlikely you’ll find a sponsor here on this forum. Get yourself to a meeting and speak up.
There’s an app called meeting guide. It’s blue with a white folding chair. It’s a quick and easy way to locate meetings in your area by day and time.

Also, here’s a great thread about sponsors.


Hi Diamond. How are you doing today?