Sponsor needed

How do i get a sponsor? I definatly need one because i cant handle this on my own.

As you continue to attend meetings it’s best to find someone that has the kind of sobriety that you want. Just because someone can recite the Big Book doesn’t make them a good sponsor. We are a program of attraction not promotion. When the student is resu, the teacher shall appear. Be well!!


I recommend someone who has been through the steps, works a good program. Is someone you relate to, but aren’t friends with. A good sponsor will call you on your bullshit but be supportive. A sponsor is not a taxi, therapist or banker. They are to take you through the steps and help you stay sober.

I probably waited to long, but I had a guy in mind, so I watched him at meetings, talked to him a lot before meetings and asked people what he was like. He definitely had when I wanted. When I asked him it was awkward. Kinda like asking a girl to a high school dance.

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You bring up a very good point. It’s also good to remember that some people may not be able to do it. Don’t be discouraged, just ask them to help you find a good one.

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