Started a youtube channel to show we can have fun sober

Check it out, I have a new channel where I am going back and reliving as well as doing new things sober to show that we can have more fun sober then we ever did using!! If you enjoy please subscribe and i challenge you to try doing the same…the support I have been getting makes it all feel worth it!! Here is a link to my channel…

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If you to have a sober vlog…share it here and i will watch your progress as well!! :slight_smile:

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Just found your YouTube channel.
Way to go!!!

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Thank you!! It is keeping me honest with myself.

I just watched the video you did about PAWS…Good stuff!! Thanks for sharing, that helped me understand some of my symptoms and moods lot better

I’ll watch more of them when I get some more time :+1:


It took me a bunch of relapses and then being locked up where I was forced to go to groups to learn about Paws…i had knkw clue and for recovery, one of the best things I ever learned.

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