Starting all over again, advice?

Hi all, it’s been a few years since I’ve been here the app has changed lol. I relapsed for a few years after 1.5years sober and I am just finding it so hard to get back sober and just need motivation. I know I need to be to continue life and start living but it’s so hard I’m so annoyed that I even stopped. Any advice/motivation/anything lol :slight_smile:


If you had a neighbor that told you that if you fell on hard times they would,without you ever having to pay them back,pay all your bills what would u do???At first you may not believe them and just respond like thank you but im good I got this.But then when that time comes when you’ve lost your job,all your resources have been depleted,and you get that last notice stating that you have until such and such or your house is gone your car is repoed and you for sure have nowhere else to turn to,what are you going to do in your desperation???Go knock on the same neighbors door show him the letter and ask if they could please help u.And at the moment the neighbor responds ive been expectintg you.I knew this day was going to come i àlready have a check made out for more than enough to cover your expenses with a little owe me nothing in return.I was once in your shoes and am doing for you what someone has done for me.All i ask is when things get better that you pass it on.
Faith in sobriety for me is that neighbor.Just knock on its door and i promise all your dreams will come true.What more could you ask for???


Welcome back.

Stick with the winners.


Maybe ameeting might help ,helped me stay sober wish you well


Come here everyday, be active and read alot…there is great advice in this forum


You have living proof data to compare. Would you prefer your life during your 1.5 years of sobriety, or your relapse years? Are you in control of your life right now?

Find your path and commit 110%. Put time everyday into sobriety related activities. Meetings, this place, podcasts, books, videos… it doesn’t matter what kind, as long as it resonates with you.

Best wishes to you on your journey


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Welcome back, @Lauraemma :people_hugging: you’re in good company here. Rely on this community and on your higher power, whatever form that is for you. Wishing you all the best!

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Hey Laura, glad ur back here. Thats a great start! If i had to recommend anything on getting back to sobriety, it would be to get back to the basics of what works. Wether that is reading recovery literature, meetings, prayer, exercise, meditation, self care, gratitude lists, journalling, checking in daily here on this forum etc. Do u remember what worked before when u had ur 1.5 years of sobriety?

I had 3 years clean and sober at one point and then ended up replasing and staying out in the problem for over a decade (worst mistake ever). Even tho it sucks incredibly to be starting over, we dont lose all the knowledge we gained from being sober tho and thats important to remember. Not all is lost. Youre here and ur giving it another try :slight_smile:

Also, another thing that works for me is every night I make a plan of what im doing the next day. Things for my recovery, my health, and for what daily tasks need to get done. Having structure in my life has saved me more than once. Just a thought. Glad ur here tho and hope to see u posting more.

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