Starting day 127. Family

Morning from Spain. Starting a new day. A family day I hope. After 126 days sober I feel that my wife and my children are closer to me. But, really, I am closer to them. Now I hate the time I wasted on bars drinkin beer. Stealing time to my family with ¿friends? No, only barflys just like me. Searching emotions on the bottom of the glass. Am I a better man now? I don’t know. I am trying. But, for sure, I don’t gonna drink today. God bless u all.


Congratulations on 126 days :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congrats on your mile stone. That’s great going :slight_smile:

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Thank u!!! I hope u are feeling fine and having a great day. God bless u.

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Thank u friend. I hope u have a great day. By the way, great land your Irland. Beautiful and similar at my homeland. God bless u.

Hi, well done on 126 days, that’s great. I also feel closer to my family and feel that I wasted years of my life.
Have a great day :sparkling_heart:

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