Starting out

I am just starting. I have been a regular drinker, moderate, with some binges, for a long time. About 6 or 7 years, I would say. I had chronic pain that was not touched by any thing else. The pain was debilitating then. It no longer is, but the drinking habit has stuck. I am an evening drinker, and have no desire to drink until the evenings. I also have a smoke and a half each day, but am allergic. It makes me feel tired and cruddy, and I have given that up at different timea. Keep coming back to it. Ugh. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but so tough to kick when it is so easy to say it is a small thing.

So, I want to start by quitting the wine, then quit the smokes. Looking for the support to ride out the habitual times. My plan is to replace wine with tea in the evening. I am also running, with a goal of a half marathon next year in the spring I hope.


Awesome @Greenthumb. Your choice and its a damn good one. Stick to it . It will be ups and down, keep the focus on what you can achieve from this . RRealy good:) this is a Great app. IT does helps me. Be in charge of your life

Thank you! It was a decent day.

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Stick by your choice , you are in the front . You can do this . We all share our stories and read . I find out all the time in others i find my self . Im a alcoholic/ addicted to drugs but im sober and clean. Start belive you can get out of it and you can !! In others i i do find the power and fighting will. Im greatefull for that. So thank you as well .

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