Starting over again... Tired of drinking

You should try SMART recovery which can be combined with AA. It is the only thing that has worked for me. SMART gets to the root cause and helps you manage and AA provides the community which works for me!


Wow aren’t you a breath of fresh air :slightly_smiling_face:, instead of “You must go to AA or you will die” or " I do smart bc I don’t believe in any other way", you are one of the rare cases of open mindedness and willingness to use all the tools available and take the best bits from each one and use them to strengthen your sobriety.
May people become humble in your shadow :+1:


Agreed! I participate heavily in AA and also The Luckiest Club. Whatever it takes to stay sober.

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It is Easter weekend and I know there will be wine around. But I will take it one minute at a time. Thanks everyone for being so helpful and brutally honest. I need to ACCEPT that I have the disease of alcoholism. And be HONEST with myself. Happy Easter to all :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey Alice - just checking in…how are you doing?

I am doing alright. I’m trying moderation instead of cold turkey, but not getting drunk. My birthday is coming up soon and I will try to make it my sobriety date.

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Everyone has different paths to get to sobriety. As you are weaning off of alcohol keep telling yourself how you want to be sober and how addiction is so tiring and causes disappointment (how you felt at the beginning of this post).
Your birthday date as your sobriety date is a beautiful thought. Do know that moderation is good to try and start you down to road to sobriety but do know that it is not sustainable long term.
Here for you and your journey!

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Thanks for the motivation!:slightly_smiling_face:

I would very much enjoy celebrating sobriety ON THE BIRTHDAY of any person. Try the day of your birthday. That would be awesome

Yeah, I actually am on day 4 and my birthday is only next week! Super happy and feeling better everyday :muscle::pray::slightly_smiling_face:


Ah hell YEAH!!! So damn happy for you – bringing in another year of your life sober and free from addiction. :partying_face: :muscle: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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